Is There a Database that LEO's Can Access with ALL Our Purchases??

mercredi 1 avril 2015

Hey all,

I know that after firearm checks the data is supposed to be destroyed. I have heard many times Politicians say that there is no firearm database.

Well I was watching one of the true crime shows the other night where a gal was shot and killed in a church office. They checked the slug and found it was a 38. They bring in the suspects and one of them was a little old lady. The detectives asked her if she owned a gun. She answered that she had a 38 years before but threw it in a river 14 years prior or some such. The guy telling the story interviewed the Detectives and asked them about asking the old lady whether she owned a gun. They talked about her answer and then added "of course we already knew that." They said they had checked.

OK, now how did they know she owned a 38 pistol? She didn't have a CCW permit and was in Pennsylvania, not a liberal bastion where people have to have cards and jump through other hoops to own a pistol.

What were they able to check to get this info? All they had was a slug.

If there isn't a firearm database then what in the world are they talking about?

I have heard that kind of talk on other crime shows before and wondered about it. Is there something that contains the information about our purchases but is not technically called a Database? You know, when Klinton said "it all depends on what your definition of is is." Lawyer words is what I am talking about. Something that will allow a Politician and LEO's to tell everyone "there is NO FIREARM DATABASE, Federal Law Prohibits it" but something that still contains all that data about firearm purchases?

What gives here?


Is There a Database that LEO's Can Access with ALL Our Purchases??

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