Visiting the PDRC

lundi 27 avril 2015

OK, so I have to make a trip to the Peoples' Democratic Republic of California :crying:to visit my son. I have scoured the web for info on taking a 15 round magazine for my 19 into the evil state.

It appears to me that I would be "importing" a "large capacity magazine" into said Marxist empire. So, being a good American citizen and fearful of the zealots in PDRC, I bought two 10 rounders to take on the drive.

Naturally, I must stop before crossing into the socialist utopia, unload the 19, lock it in a hard case and place said case in the rear of my Yukon so I cannot access the gun while driving. The magazines will stay up front in the console.

Any obvious flaws in my plan?
Visiting the PDRC

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