Do all Christians go to the same heaven?

mardi 28 avril 2015

Hi all. I tend to lurk here as, 1-I’m Jewish and not particularly angry with anyone, and, 2-Most of the time I can’t figure out what all the fussing is about (quoting from ancient texts in an old style and in an out of date form of the English language does not help my comprehension of the various debates taking place one bit!).

I’ve noted a good deal of contentious debate between folks who, at least from my understanding of what was being written, all believe that Jesus was the Messiah. Thus my question; Do all who believe in Jesus as the Messiah go to heaven, regardless of the “church” or affiliation they have in this world? If that is so, then why all the rancor? Wouldn’t it be less difficult for all involved (for those who hold, fundamentally, the same beliefs) to simply acknowledge the various differences between the religious orders (groups, sects, organizations, etc.) and just move on with their lives?

Does it really matter if one is a 7th Day Adventist, a Baptist, a Catholic, a Mormon or a Presbyterian if everyone holding those belief structures will be up in heaven with Jesus upon their deaths here on earth?

Peace and love to all.

Do all Christians go to the same heaven?

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