7th Circuit Court Rules Assault Weapons Ban OK Based on Feelings

mardi 28 avril 2015

BREAKING: 7th Circuit Court Rules Assault Weapons Ban OK Based on Feelings
By Nick Leghorn on April 27, 2015

In a 2-1 split ruling today, the Federal appeals court for Illinois ruled that the “Assault Weapons Ban” in Highland Park — enacted days before new legislation went into effect banning exactly that kind of law — was constitutional. The majority opinion written by Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Frank Easterbrook relies heavily on the idea of “home rule” for the majority of its rationale, but buried in the text is the true reason why this court believes that infringing on the right to keep and bear commonly used firearms is legal: it makes people feel safe.

From the opinion:


7th Circuit Court Rules Assault Weapons Ban OK Based on Feelings

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