Texting while driving

jeudi 30 avril 2015

I am becoming more convinced that in addition to what should be a fairly obvious danger issue that the distraction also increases traffic congestion. I was driving (traveling?) on US 1 today for a bit. Too often it seemed people stopped further behind the car in front of them than was necessary which I have to think reduces the number of cars that can fill a block while the light is red. Then when the light turns green, inevitably one of the lanes had a car that elected to not to go when the car in front did, which of course slows down the cars behind that one which in turn reduces the number of cars that can get through while the light is green.

Many/most/all of you may well have already figured this out but I often concentrate on a few specific cars or a car rather than all of them in concert. I wonder if there is a way to measure if what I think I saw actually does cause more congestion. I imagine at this point it would be academic as I doubt many would stop looking at their phones.
Texting while driving

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