Interesting arrest - Felony Desertion

lundi 27 avril 2015

I had an interesting arrest yesterday during a traffic stop. I cited the driver on a criminal citation for not having a DL and made contact with her boyfriend who showed up on scene to drive the truck home.

The boyfriend came back with a felony warrant for desertion so I arrested him and transported him to the jail. I was by myself and he was 6'4" and 245lbs. Fortunately I cuffed him before he had a change to even realize what was happening.

On the way to jail he was very cordial, made small talk and mentioned that he was arrested once before for being AWOL and for "making threats." He said after three deployments and watching his family life fall apart he wanted out. He said he's on medicine now for PTSD so he can function in society. He then asked me if I didn't show up for work if I would be arrested since he was essentially being arrested for doing the same thing. I have to admit he had a point but I didn't sign the agreement, he did.

Here's where it gets interesting...

Once at the jail I got his booking paperwork. They want him held and he will be extradited. I found in the paperwork both typed and hand written in large letters "high risk" and "escape risk."

Come to find out, dispatch knew about this when confirming the warrant and called my Chief to see if someone was near me to back me up. (the Chief lives in town and the closest back up was almost 30 minutes away) They never bothered to let me know of these modifiers. :steamed: I only found out about that part when the Chief called me this morning to ask how the arrest went.

This is the first time in 17 years of work that I have come across a desertion charge. Something tells me we will start to see more in this line of work.
Interesting arrest - Felony Desertion

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