Thanks for the favor but no thanks

mercredi 1 avril 2015

Our departure from our house in Idaho was somewhat precipitous, and the guy who built it (who is a "friend" of the family) said he would go ahead and drain the water and totally winterize it so I wouldn't have to pay $400-$600 to have it done.

I thought, great, thanks for the favor.

Now let me note, winterizing in NORTH IDAHO is not something you SCREW AROUND WITH.

So we have a bid on the house, and had the water and power turned on for inspection, ohai thanks for the crappy winterizing job, bruh, I have leaking pipes in the basement! God knows about upstairs, yet. The realtor told me it shouldn't cost any more than "$3,000 to fix". (for leaky pipes in the basement? Jeez, a decade ago, that repiped an entire house with copper in SoCal)

So because I bought the word of a guy who was going to do me a "favor", it may end up costing me FIVE TIMES the amount I would have paid to get it done right.

I should have known it would be a half-ass job, everything with this guy in the last ten years has been half-ass, from not finishing my built-from-the-ground-up garage to doing a crappy job installing a pantry I (over)paid him for to putting in new windows but never finishing the work around them. Always an excuse, always a reason, always a promise.

I sent the Mister a text when he told me this and said "Is there ANYTHING that <this guy> has EVER done for us when we didn't get ****ed over???"

But now I'm really going to be hurting for money, no to mention it will probably push out the escrow on my house. Wish I'd listened to my inner skeptic and just paid to have it done, but in my defense, I was moving cross country and less than a month out from major surgery.

Not looking for sympathy or suggestions, just ranting and ticked off.

Thanks for the favor but no thanks

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