Dearbornization of USA

mercredi 22 avril 2015

Last week, Rep. Trey Gowdy of S. Carolina demanded the State Dept stop resettling refugees in Spartanburg in his district. He raised concerns about how locals are not consulted, how it's all unfunded by the feds, and how many are there anyway? Where are they from? Of what crimes might each already have been convicted? What background checks, if any, are done on them?

Hijra is a form of JIHAD dating back to Mohammed. It's jihad via colonization. Muslims are obliged to spread Islam and build the Islamic state. Kaddafi of Libya once boasted Europe would be conquered without guns, by Muslim immigrants overrunning the place. Martin Mawyer agrees in his new documentary, "Europe's Last Stand; America's Final Warning".

Today's hijra is part of a covert, sneaky PRE-violent (the genocide comes later) "civilization jihad" pursued by the Muslim Brotherhood. The UN High Commission of Refugees (which, like the rest of the UN, is dominated by the Muslim OIC) is complicit in the process of bringing Muslim refugees to America. Obama agrees with this UN policy for US.

Interestingly, no Muslim refugees are ever resettled in wealthy, low-population-density Muslim places such as Saudi Arabia.

There is far too much secrecy about this US refugee resettlement program. They just quietly dump masses of Muslim immigrants in American communities with no local input.

"Destroy America from within" was the idea of Lenin before it was the idea of the Muslim Brotherhood. Their common link seems to be Satanic hatred.

This national problem requires a prompt and thorough change in our federal govt and leftist media. Leftist teachers have long been indoctrinating our youth with contempt for their own country, and praises for "underprivileged" others, hinting at a Final Solution to their problem with counterjihadists, Christians, US patriots, and conservatives. The evil ones will no doubt initiate violence when they feel they are ready. Do good folks have any preparations? They want us to board the cattle cars quietly, like in their earlier Holocaust.

Even an atheist, Pat Condell of England, gets it. His recent video, "A Guide to the Dark Side", tells how new 'progressives' determine tolerance of certain values over other by skin color -to avoid being racist, of course.:upeyes::) Of course, Islam is not a race: look at the refugee Tsarnaev family who bombed the Boston Marathon, as an example of melanin-challenged Muslim evil.

Common sense dictates we must take back our govt, media, and education system, and stop Muslim immigration if we and our children are to survive.
Dearbornization of USA

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