April Challenge, 2015

mercredi 1 avril 2015

This is a 3 handgun challenge. If you don’t have 3 handguns meeting the criteria, you can still do it with whatever handgun you do have :)

Best 25 shot group, 50 foot target distance, standing unsupported, no leaning or resting on anything (sitting allowed for the disabled but still take unsupported shots to the extent you can), 1 or 2 hands ok, single or double action ok, any type of handgun with 10” barrel or less, iron sights, no scopes, no red dot, no laser (unless you only have 1 handgun and it has a laser). All 3 guns on the same target, all part of the same 25 shot group. 30 minute time limit (meant to be one shooting session with all 3 guns, but if range rules don't allow it then do the best you can to make it a single session).

The 3 handguns to use:

-- If you own a concealed carry gun, use that for 5 of the 25 shots. The CCW gun ideally is 3.5” barrel length or less, and is a gun that you actually CCW, or is a common type of CCW gun.

-- If you own a revolver, use that for 5 of the 25 shots (must be a different gun than first one used).

-- For the rest of the shots use whatever other iron sighted gun you want that is a different gun than the other two. It can be the same type of action, but not the exact same model as the others, and it must meet the general criteria :)

April Challenge, 2015

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