White Appreciation Day...

samedi 9 mai 2015



MILLIKEN, Colo. — The Hispanic owners of a barbecue restaurant in Milliken say they plan to host a "White Appreciation Day" next month.
What started as a joke is now on the calendar. Edgar Antillon and Miguel Jimenez recently purchased Rubbin Buttz BBQ on Broad Street. On June 11, they plan to offer a 10% discount to all white customers and no one else.
"We have a whole month for Black History Month," Antillon said. "We have a whole month for Hispanic heritage month, so we thought the least we could do was offer one day to appreciate white Americans."
Progressives live in a world without common sense, apparently...


"It's a perpetuation of racism," said Ricardo Romero, a civil rights activist and community organizer in Weld County. "It's wrong, if you're going to give a discount, give it to the whole community."

White Appreciation Day...

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