Glock 43 Draws Blood

dimanche 10 mai 2015

My new land has been ravaged by hogs, so I set up a trap earlier this week and finally caught one this morning. After a few unfruitful trips to check the trap this week, I let my guard down and only took my AR chambered in 17 hmr (coyote gun) and my concealed carry 43 this afternoon. I have killed a bunch of stuff with the 17 but never a hog, and it really just seemed to piss her off. Long story short, I ended up having to kill the pig with my 43 and 124 gr Golden Sabres which dropped her like a rock with one shot to the noggin. Needless to say, my confidence in my 43 has increased exponentially after this encounter.

I would post a picture but am unsure of the political correctness of this board.:upeyes:
Glock 43 Draws Blood

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