I cannot believe I'm asking this on GT but I have never been so angry

dimanche 10 mai 2015

In MO, is it legal to record a conversation on private property you own without the other parties knowledge or consent?

This conversation will be in person, not over a wired or wireless telephone.

My mom's caregiver has been continually committing credit card fraud with my fathers credit card.

We have one transaction for about $150 documented as an order placed in her name and shipped to her house, and the several hundred other questionable charges that I'm sure we can attribute to her.

The real sticker is dad opened a letter from the credit card company that had to be signed by May 5th or the investigation is closed.

Will they re-open the case if it is past the date?

Arrrgghhh - the people you pay to care for you stealing from you ... that really chaps my ass.

As much as I hate to say it, I hope the amount exceeds $500 so it is a class D felony.

I cannot believe I'm asking this on GT but I have never been so angry

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