Robber With Taser- Shoot Him?

lundi 11 mai 2015

I'm retired now, so don't need to arrest anyone; just protect myself and the wife. Here's the story:

Over the weekend there were two robberies in Central park, NYC. One of them involved the threatened use of a Taser, I was not involved but...

Obviously, if I get Tazed the creep can do anything he wants to me and/or wife, including taking my own gun and shooting us with it. Or just stomping us into the dirt. I would feel morally justified in shooting him before he can launch the lightning, and would be in fear of death or great bodily harm. But even shooting a knife-armed robber can get legally messy, and as a civilian shooting a robber whose actual weapon is not deadly, it could get even messier.

Is anyone aware of statue or case law on this when the intended victim is a civilian?
Obviously, it will vary from state to state, but anything you have might be helpful.

Robber With Taser- Shoot Him?

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