Lady killed yesterday.

dimanche 10 mai 2015

We, North Texas, have been getting storms and rain the likes of which I haven't seen in many years. Storms and rain still this morning.
My stock tank is running over and I can't remember how many years it's been since there was more than a few feet of water in the bottom.

Bunches of individual storm cells moving through, one after the other. Some get right nasty with high winds, large hail and rain, lots of rain and some Tornados.

The storms that went through yesterday and continued through the night and still continues now, formed some Tornados. One of which killed a lady in her home, not far South of here.

Sad thing.
Yesterday morning the lady was alive and a few hours later she was killed by a completely random Tornado.

You never know when it's your last day.
Lady killed yesterday.

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