The reason why I ask is because I have the 43 & 42 and somehow I got the RSA mixed up. I do believe the 43 RSA is a little longer than the 42. Basically I need someone with a 42 or 43 to confirm the number sequence stamped on the recoil spring
Glock 43 or 42 RSA Number stamp
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- ? for Tacoma Pickup Owners
- ?Why do Glock pistols cost so much?
- .223/5.56 ammo ban lurking. Shelves are bare!
- .45 ACP: HST or Hydra-Shok?
- .45 Auto (revolver)
- .45acp to 45super
- "." Connector/Connnector 5 AND NY1 Trigger Spring
- "A silly millimeter longer..."
- "Come and Take It" - The Grill
- "Gun Battle" Sends Deputy and Suspect to the Hospital
- "HK USP Accuracy Problem"
- "It" might kill you...
- "Norfolk Police Department" Gen 3 G17
- "Religion of Peace" Strikes Detroit and FL
- "Ride the Thunder" a movie about the Vietnam War
- "sir
- "Wheres Quack?"
- "Would you vote for Hillary?" Poll
- (FL) FS/FT: 2002 Gibson Les Paul Studio
- +P and G34 GEN 4 & G41 GEN 4
- $10/box of 9mm brass ammo
- $3k Ruger 1911!
- $4 Million in Gold Stolen from Truck in North Carolina
- 000
- 000 criminal aliens onto streets
- 000 in nashvill
- 000 miles
- 000-year-old Anglo-Saxon potion kills MSRA superbug
- 1
- 1/4
- 10-20k rounds later... should I need to replace anything?
- 100 Miles From Nowhere
- 1050 Dillon
- 10yo gas water heater questions........
- 12 Survival Lessons from the War Ukraine
- 13C reviews Harry Potter and Hermiones wands with explosive results
- 14" NON-NFA Mossberg Conversion........
- 16 Spitfires!
- 17c
- 17L front sight
- 17lfgt
- 185gr
- 1903a3 rear sight question
- 1911 9mm
- 1939
- 1970s Beretta 92S
- 1975
- 1982 Jeep CJ7 Renegade with original paint
- 2 New HK VP 9 mags 15 round
- 2 officers shot at protest outside Ferguson police station
- 2003 G22 - Can it be improved?
- 200gr JHP - Holy Crap
- 2014 Dodge Caravan rental question......
- 2015
- 2015 Griffin Ga Debriefing and Photo Thread.
- 2015 Police Road King Feedback
- 2015 Yolo
- 21
- 22 ammo
- 23
- 26
- 27
- 29
- 2nd Glock
- 3 nabbed in NY
- 3-gun Glock
- 3.9 Student Failed for Refusing to Condemn Christianity
- 30
- 308 AR or FN Scar 17?
- 30S / 21SF mag release
- 30S GNS04
- 30s range time
- 30s try out
- 30sf
- 30th April 1975-2015
- 32
- 33
- 357 Sig bullet
- 357)
- 36
- 38 special whats your choice?
- 380
- 39
- 3rd gen glock 23
- 40th anniversary of the last day of the VN War
- 43 magazine issues
- 45
- 45 ACP
- 45 Colt factory ammo chrono results
- 45acp or 357mag
- 4moa w/ Larue LT660
- 5 days only
- 5 East Bloc 40 rd AK47 mags; 5 NIW Beretta 92/M9 30 rd mags
- 5 Mags (Fl) pics $415-
- 5:11 Thumbdrive Opinions???
- 50 dollar fine for not voting
- 50 Reasons Were Living Through the Greatest Period in World History
- 65 Perfectly Timed Military Pics
- 7th Circuit Court Rules Assault Weapons Ban OK Based on Feelings
- 9mm Brass
- 9mm Glock 19 vs 357 Sig and 40. I'm weak.
- 9mm info requested please...
- 9mm Short = .380 caliber?
- 9rd Magazines (New)
- A buddy of mine got a drone!
- A challenge for all professors in this forum
- A Confession...
- A Couple Of Good Guys
- A False Hope of a Reformed Islam
- A Five Mile Hike
- A little help please...
- A new 357Sig pistol! My-O-My!
- A Reminder: "What This Forum Is Here For - Read This If You Post Here"
- A test drive gone horribly wrong
- A valid compromise to HR218 for COs?
- A Very Strange Elevator In Denmark Is One Of The Last Of Its Kind
- Absent Lesser Charges Than Murder
- Absolute shock......a student loan story.
- Absolutely lawless
- ACA price tag continues to drop
- Accident or hit and run?
- Accuracy issue with Glock
- ADM UIC rifles
- Administration memo tells border agents they can release drunk drivers
- Advantage Arms L.E. 17-22 Conversion Kit
- Advice on setting up a will for Mom
- Aemt/emt-i
- Age at SWAT application
- Aguila 38 Super +P 130gr FMJ 50rd Box
- Ah yezzzz.... tambourine and high-hat hips....
- Aimline Sights
- Aimpoint H
- AK Permitless Carry: Weeding out the undeserving...
- AK47 Selection
- Akron
- AlJazeera takes a swing at Bloomberg
- All plastic gun?
- ALLOWS Federal Takeover Of Police
- Alternate perspective on Islam..
- Am I the only one don’t feel a need for a single stack Glock?
- Amazon Dash
- America: Imagine the World Without Her
- Americans Overwhelmingly Support 'The Right To Offend'
- An Alternate Look at Handgun Stopping Power
- An Interview With George Zimmerman – March 2015
- and 30S with 357 Sig?
- and G22 mags
- and I wanted to share it!
- and my opinion of the 43
- And now
- and Realities
- And they call themselves Christians?
- ankle; Glock 19 belt holsters FS:
- Annual Mower Thread: Husqvarna/Ariens Experience?
- Another .500 Nitro express handgun
- Another "Angel" Shot
- Another 42 back from Glock
- Another boringly regular G43 range report...
- Another Friday night in the ER ...
- Another Glock vs an XDM
- Another Hero Gone
- Another interesting solicitaion
- Another McDonalds Fight
- Another New from Indiana
- Another new Nebraska member
- Anti gun??
- anti-ECB demo in Frankfurt
- Anti-gun Bigotry? There’s an App for That
- Anti-Semitic attackers yelling we will kill you storm synagogue in London
- Ants Bugs Pests
- Any experience with a Morton steel shed?
- Any experience with Dysphagia here ?
- Any Forum Members in Daytona Beach area?
- any good?
- Any of you filthy hippies going to Coachella?
- Any other G43 +1s on the horizon?
- anybody else going?
- anybody heard about this yet?
- Anybody here ever seen Mt. Everest?
- Anybody own a pizza shop?
- Anybody recognize this place?
- Anyone a member of USCCA?
- Anyone built/had their home built
- Anyone burned out on these superhero movies?
- Anyone fly often out of Newark?
- Anyone have a 43 fail to lock back?
- Anyone have RV Satellite Internet?
- Anyone here raise Quail?
- Anyone like Eminem?
- Anyone own a Emerson CQC-7
- Anyone Own or Carry a MICROTECH Auto?
- Anyone Seen "BIRDMAN?"......SPOILERS...
- Anyone try the new Steak and Shake Cajun hamburger?
- Anyone try these snap caps?
- Anyone use KCI Mags?
- Anyone Use Regular Hardware Store Grease and Lube On Their Firearms?
- Anyone use this ammo?
- Anyone w/G19 brass to face in Dallas?
- Anyone want a Cutaway G17?
- Appeal court says no to openly carrying guns (FL)
- Appears Obama threatened to shoot down Israeli war planes!!
- Apple Smart Watch
- approved amnesty applications despite injunction
- April 30
- April Challenge
- AR Precision Rifle Completed...Specs and Pic
- AR ran fine 100% yesterday thanks guys.
- AR Triggers / sights for sale
- Ar-15 ?????
- AR-15 price gouging
- AR15 Upper: BCM BFH Hammer Forged 16" Mid Upper w/ Geissele Mk1 13" Rail
- Are Randall knifes worth the $ ?
- Are there any clones better than the original?
- Are you a "lawn enthusiast"?
- Arms Unlimited
- Armslist treasure.....
- Arredondo
- Arrrrnold and Zombie - looks interesting.
- At last! A diagnosis
- At The Bus Stop
- At the center of the whole "militarization" debate: A fundamental mistake
- at the end-of-the-day its a G-26...
- at the right time
- ATF apologizes for ‘error’ on ammo-ban regulations
- Atheists Own The Internet!
- ATN X-Sight
- Aurora CO arrest an 18-year-old man for ramming officer with his car
- Automatic holsters for Israeli open carry...
- AZ Senator Want to Mandate Sunday Church For All
- B-Loon-Berg Outed By His Own Hired Gun In Vermont
- B3 Straight 9.5"-Liontribe Designs
- Baba Jaga
- Back kant mod 36 holser
- Back to the real world
- Bad Outcome For All
- Baltimore Mayor GIVES UP Control Of City
- Baltimore PD/FD scanner:
- Bar Mitzvah gift question
- Barack Obama’s top aide says Israeli ‘occupation’ must end
- Battle Belt instead of a Sam Browne?
- BCM 14.5 pinned w/ KMR Bushy od lower rifle
- BCM 18 inch 410 stainless kmr upper
- Be Careful Out There...Yikes
- Because Old Ladies Mall Walk
- because Photo Booth isnt Working
- Belize
- Ben Carson for President. What do you think?
- Ben E. King had passed away.
- Benchmade Lifesharp Service
- Beretta 92FS Fusion for $11
- Beretta 96FS Discontinued?
- Beretta PICO
- Berrys plated 165fp .40
- Best 5 kw sauna heater
- Best all around plowing/utility solutions
- Best app to track the wifes period?
- Best April Fools Pranks
- Best Business apps for your mobile
- Best dies for a hand press
- Best Fast Food Breakfast
- Best Glock of All Time.
- Best handgun for bad ammo?
- Bianch X15 X-Large Shoulder Holster
- Bicol
- Big Dot N/S
- big thanks to GT Distributors
- Big Trouble
- Bill Gates: AI could wipe out humanity.
- Bill to limit police deadly force advances in Missouri Senate
- billet ambi lower
- Biology types
- Black Activist: White Militia Group May Be Responsible For Shooting Ferguso
- Black Kershaw Tanto Serrated Blur Knife with SpeedSafe Assisted Open
- Black Rain Ordnance BRO-PG5 Piston
- Blackhawk EPOCH Level 3 Light Bearing Duty Holster
- BLACKHAWK GLOCK 20/21 RH Askins Compact Holster (Brown)
- Blew up my G30 today!
- Blue Freedom Hydropower Plant
- Blue Label FDE
- Blue label price on G30
- Blue label?
- Body Transplant In Two Years
- Boise ID prelims
- Bolt Gun rethink. A logical choice.
- Bond is dead
- Boneless ribeye
- Boston PD officer shot - was in Watertown
- Bought myself two new .22 rifles.
- Bowlers
- Brand new g33 barrel with ammo
- Brand New Glock 17 + G26 Xgrip Combo
- Brand new Remora magazine holster
- Brand New Smith & Wesson M&P 40C. $425.00 Shipped.
- Bratton’s big ideas for the NYPD
- Bravo concealment
- Brazil's Confederados
- BREAKING – SIG SAUER: Pistol Stabilizing Brace is Legal
- Breaking : NYPD COP SHOT IN Queens
- Breaking: Atf backs down on ammo ban after public outcry
- Britain's Muslim Underage Marriage Epidemic
- Broke Glock 17
- BRRRRRRTTTTTT. A-10 First flight anniversary
- Buckshot vs slugs
- Budget ideas
- Buffer Zone for Police?
- Bulk 22 ammo prices
- Bullets aren't magic like on TV
- Bulls Bag Shooting Rest
- Burris AR-332
- but certain
- But Defends DOJ
- But I Like The Finger Grooves!!
- but I took pictures anyway :)
- but in a chair. With a shotgun.
- But its a sunny -17
- but never makes the news?
- but.......
- buying non lethal ammo
- Buying Parents House Questions
- by own hand
- CA
- CA 3/14-15 Roll Call
- CA: Out of Money
- Calibrated recoil
- Calling cops on neighbor
- can add cash!
- Can Someone Explain this Auction to Me Please??
- Can Someone Explain?
- Can you run from police? US courts apply a double standard
- Carhartt-Who has the best prices?
- case (FL)
- Cat Bite.....????
- CBO: Feds Out of Control
- CCW carry
- CCW foils robbery
- CCW sticky holster
- Cell phone in Europe question
- cell phone service ?
- Cell phones and calling 911...
- Cell Phones And Speakers
- Central Texas NewGuy...Ready to Talk Glock :)
- changing out stock front sight for night sight?
- Channel Guide Game
- charity did not disclose donors
- Cheap Tips and Tricks for Dillon 550B and XL650 Presses
- Cheap way to upgrade your door
- cheapest Ive seen online.
- cheapest way?
- Chewing in a cigar
- Childrens Flash Mob In Paris
- Chris Kyle is guarding heaven...
- Christie pardons Philadelphia mom who was arrested after bringing gun to NJ
- Chuck E. Cheese Employees Attacked
- Cincinnati FF LODD
- Citibank
- Citizenfour - anyone watch it yet?
- Clamp on muzzle brake. Sweet...
- Classical Music
- cleaning solutions
- Coast Guard video of plane parachuting into ocean
- Cobra Buckle too small for belt?
- Cold Steel Steel Tiger
- Colins new video on the SCAR 17
- Colorado hunting/gun industry boycott a bust.
- Colt AR-15 SP1?
- Comb-Overs
- Community policing defined.
- Company firearms policy
- competition magazine base for glock
- Computer experts: No sound on youtube?
- Conceal carry
- Concealed carry in the era of terror
- Confused: Info needed.
- Cool beer names...
- Coolest guy at the boat ramp?
- Cop Beats and Tasers 17 year old
- Cop Block seminar ends in violence...
- Cop.
- Cops Beat Man After Stolen Horse Pursuit
- Cops give more than just tickets
- Corker on Meet the Press... Bill to end salvery around the world
- Cornell dean says ISIS welcome on campus in undercover video
- Corona (CA) Lobsterfest
- Country Music Awards
- county police take over Ferguson protest security after shooting
- Couple caught on beach
- covering up some ugly
- Cowboy bullets vs hard cast lead bullets
- Cps Shouldn't Bear Glock's
- CR Speed Belt - 42" Black - For Sale
- Crate amp
- Credit Card Scam
- Crimp Jumping
- Crimson Trace Grips Cheap!
- Crimson Trace LaserGrip Gen 4 26/27 $130 Meps $56
- Crimson trace LG-852 (Glock 26/27)
- Culture Shock: Papua New Guinea
- Curbstoners...
- Current handguns that will become collectible
- cutest puppies... Need a smile today?
- Dallas officers moving in droves to Fort Worth PD
- Dallas Snowed In
- Dalton Wayne Is Alive!
- Damn Weather
- Dan Wesson ejection rod
- Dark clouds
- David and Goliath
- David Cameron Easter Message
- dawson precision glock magwell
- Dayton
- de Blasio
- DE markXIX
- DE Razor shaving
- DEA agents had cartel-funded ‘sex parties’ in Colombia
- Dearbornization of USA
- Death f the great deli / diners
- Decision reversed on "have a blessed day"
- Deep Blue watches?
- Delhi rapist says victim shouldnt have fought back
- Denver PD admin. fails to support officers
- Dept. Of Justice could sue City of Ferguson...
- Derringer for ccw?
- desantis holster for glock 42
- Despite Hillary Clinton promise
- detains cargo ship w/ 43 sailors
- Detent screw fell out
- DHS broke judge’s order
- DHS released another 30
- Did I tick off the universe?
- Didnt Even See Each Other [Helo Crash]
- Difference Between Self Defense and Target Sights ??
- Differences in CANIK and TRISTAR Pistols??
- Digitech processor
- dimensions for barrel liner tool
- Ding Dong The Bill Is Dead;In Vermont
- Dinosaurs?
- Disciple Style
- Discovery of Adam and Eve shows evolution is happening faster than expected
- Do all Christians go to the same heaven?
- Do I have the biggest ego in The Okie Corral?
- Do marijuana prisoners deserve amnesty?
- Do Not
- DO NOT go looking for "Trouble". Find it
- Do we have something that God doesnt have?
- do we need a Lawyer?
- Do you have an "I love me wall?" (post em up....)
- Do You Own a Hat?
- Do You Still Wear A Watch
- Does a Combat Commander Gold Cup exist?
- Does any one have any thoughts on Williams Fire Sights
- Does anyone shoot .22 in their basement?
- Doesnt it seem a little bit odd that Wm Shatner.....
- Dog food recommendation
- Done!!!
- Dont post in this thread
- Dont Say "Entitled" ....
- Don’t Shoot
- double action high power?
- Drop in barrel for my Glock 20
- DRT .380 acp Too Long?
- drug possession
- Drug Smuggling Granny set to be executed by firing squad
- Dumb reloading mistake - need a solution
- Durian
- Dwell Time in 11.5" SBR
- Eagle with a Camera Flies From Worlds Tallest Building
- Ear plugs?
- Early
- Early Generation One
- Early Retirement...
- Easter dinner is going to difficult for Jay Cutler !!
- Easy App to Upload Pics from my Phone to PhotoBucket??
- Email program recommendations
- emails this month
- Emperor Threatens ICE Officials ...
- Employer access to employee Facebook/Twitter
- Empty Ebola Clinics in Liberia Are Seen as Misstep in U.S. Relief Effort
- Enclosed trailer?
- Encore Package - Sadly must sell $1400 OBFO (TX)
- End of a tradition- elephants no longer raising circus tents.
- environmentalist shoots energy worker---will the lib MSM report it?
- ESPN correspondent suspended for excoriating woman working at tow lot
- etc?
- even more ridiculous than usual
- Ever level out an uneven lawn?
- Ever wonder what its like to be the child of a serial killer?
- Evolution Is Not A Real Thing
- Examples of regional dialect differences?
- Expanding earth VS hollow earth VS flat earth.
- Expensive Grips!
- experiences?
- F-18 Hornet
- F/A-18 Carrier Ops in HD
- F/S Custom Hard Wood Finger Groove K Frame Grips
- F/S Glock 42 new in the box.
- F/S New Custom made K or L frame Finger Groove Combat grips
- F/S New Dark Hardwood Checkered N Frame Combat grips
- F/S NOS Brauer Bros. Colt OP Holster w ammo loops
- F/S NOS Lefty Shoemaker Colt DS Paddle Holster
- F/S Vintage Bucheimer / Clark Basket Weave 'Detective Thumb Break Holster
- F/S Vintage Lefty Bianchi Basket Weave suede lined N Frame Holster
- F/S Vintage Tan Bianchi #5B 3 in J frame Holster
- F/S Vintage Tan Bianchi X2100 Suede lined N Frame SH
- Facebook accused of tracking all users even if they delete accounts...
- Facebook collects the text you decided against posting
- Failure to feed
- Fair price for a Chevy rear axle?
- Falsely accused
- Fantastic Four Trailer
- Fashion show and Firearms
- Fast food worker loves the $15/hr min wage..until...
- Favorite Aquariums
- FBI: why not Glock 19?
- FCC approves net neutrality--End of the Internet as we know it or not?
- FCC net neutrality regulations include one really scary sentence
- Fed
- Federal Audits
- Federal HST JHP 45auto 230 grain.
- Federal Labor Law notices
- Feds wont prosecute Lerner for comtempt.
- Feed & Seed Spring Prepping Sale
- Feel really old today
- FEMA: One More Obama Scandal for the Media to Obscure
- Female AZ Corrections Officer sexually assaulted.
- Female middle school teacher forced to resign: Told kids "O"s Muslim baby..
- Ferguson shooting suspect gave false confession after pistol-whipping
- Field Guide to the American Sandwich
- Field strip question
- Fight Fans! Bellator 134 Tonight Great Main Event Matchup
- Fill youre hands
- Final Day: Steed
- Final price drop on hard to get S&W M&P45C LE W/NS
- Fire pin safety wear ...
- Firearm collector
- Firearms Training Classes end of 2015- Southern Exposure
- First 38 Super
- First 9mm Reloads - Observations
- First Factory Shoot
- First Glock
- First New Glock Day in a while
- First P-mag for my MAK90
- First time caller.. I mean... never mind...
- First Time Mirror
- first-generation
- Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes..
- FL Police
- FL: Pondering living there
- Flat Dark Earth Glocks
- Fleetwood Mac
- Flight Attendant Announcement
- Florida
- Florida concealed carry on campus bill dies in committee
- Florida in plot to join Islamic State group
- Florida Keys?
- Florida.
- Food: what's overrated/whats underrated?
- For all you tech-savvy types
- For Sale: Assorted small Glock parts
- For Sale: Mint Original Oakley Half Jacket w/ Polarized XLJ lens
- For The Car Folks Here;
- for the day....
- For the pilgrim who has everything
- For those that still think the police are the problem...
- Foreign made knives
- Forget marijuana
- Forgot what it was like to have real insurance
- Formerly American Corporations Running Our Government
- Frame shock buffer
- Franks RedHot Wing Sauce
- Free Samples to First 250 members who sign up for Numanna
- Free speech isnt . . .
- freindsfeed-soufiane
- From x-rays to music...
- Frustrated Machinist
- FS - Bond Arms Derringer Snake Slayer in .45/.410 3"
- FS bulk 22 Rem
- FS n DFW G3 Glock 21
- FS SigP250 Full Size Grip 45acp (F-M)
- FS: 2 MecGar 17 round mags...
- FS: CMMG SST match grade barrel and matched bolt
- FS: Glock 21 Gen 3 Slide W/Factory Night Sites $275.00 Shipped !!
- FS: Glock 42 (Like new) with extras (Wilmington NC)
- FS: New Phlster Access G19 and IWB Magazine Carrier
- FS: PJ Holsters for Glock 26 and CZ P07
- FS: Serrated Glock Factory Triggers
- FS/FT Glock 42 SE Iowa
- FS/FT Palmetto State 18" 6.8 SPC II
- FS/FT Shield 8/7 rnd 9mm mags
- Full FDE Glock 26
- Fun Gun!
- Fun To Watch
- Funny animal videos from the Internet...
- Funny Story about travel
- Funny!
- Fury rises at Disney over use of foreign workers
- FYI-Safe Action Triggers
- G 32
- G 36 or Xd Mod 2 45
- G 43
- G-43 receiver
- G10 grips
- G10 grips for my LCR
- G17 Gen 4 Trigger in G19 Gen 4
- G19
- G19 Gen 3 Grip : Remove Finger Grooves ?
- G19 Gen4
- G19 lower with 23 upper?
- G19 RTF2 new owner
- G19 slide tightness
- G19 vs G17 trigger
- G19/23/32 Left hand
- G2 Failures
- G20 gen 4
- g20 help please
- G20 Mag issues
- G20 mags
- G21 Gen 4 reliability
- G22 summertime carry issues
- G23 - G19 and G27 - G26
- G23 Front sight removal
- G23 problems with Blazer?
- G27 Gen 4 Lone Wolf Barrel 9mm
- G29 or G30?
- G30 gen 4 or G30S for carry gun
- G30 Gen4 mag fit in G30S?
- G30sf
- G31 .357 sig
- G31 Gen3 Magazine
- G34 Gen 3 or Gen 4?
- G34 Gen 4 question
- G35 with 9MM Lone Wolf barrel.
- G36 and G30sf barrels interchangable?
- G37 and Mech-Tech upper????? INFO NEEDED
- G40 10mm in stores ?
- G42 initial range test
- G43 holster selection
- G43 magazine issue..
- G43 on sale?
- G43 vs. G42 vs. G26/27
- G43: cost staggering!
- Galco ankle lite holster for Ruger LCP
- Galco G26 Ankle Glove
- Galco Paddle
- Gander Mtn sale on buckshot
- Garland and the Glock 21
- Gas heating stove advice?
- Gay Totalitarianism and the Coming Persecution of Christians
- geissele ssa-e
- Gen 1 G17 on Gunbroker: How Much??
- Gen 2
- gen 2 g19 frame question
- GEN 3 G22 40-9 conversion problem
- Gen 3 glock 19 upper nibx
- Gen 3 Glock question
- gen 4 22 problem
- Gen 4 G17 With Factory OD Frame
- Gen 4 Glocks w/OD Frame
- Gen 4 Model 30 Slide Lock
- Gen 4 recoil spring
- Gen3
- Gen3 19 factory parts
- gen4 glock 17 9mm 1 mag $450 ftf Houston Tx ftf only
- General Motors Innovations
- Generation?
- Generational Glocking
- George Zimmerman shot
- Ghost G42 Edge connector?
- Giuliani: Im Getting Death Threats for My Obama Remarks
- Glock 17 & 19 Kydex Holsters (Preferably Light Bearing)
- Glock 17 10-Rd. Magazines
- Glock 17 Front Sight Width?
- Glock 17 RTF2
- Glock 19 2nd Gen for sale
- Glock 19 Cover Plate
- Glock 19 gen 3 oem factory barrel for $105 shipped
- Glock 19 Gen4 1000th round
- Glock 19 Holster
- glock 19 magwell cuts
- Glock 19 question
- Glock 19/23 Rosen/Galco gear
- Glock 20
- Glock 20 Aftermarket Barrel
- Glock 20 barrel
- Glock 20/21 holster deal
- Glock 20SF ?
- Glock 21 Conversion to 10mm. ? question ?
- Glock 21 Gen 4 Recoil Spring Cutting Frame
- Glock 21SF
- Glock 22 .40 caliber for sale San Antonio
- Glock 22 Grip Recommendations
- Glock 22 Recoil booster/Nielsen Device
- Glock 23
- glock 23 gen 3 OEM threaded barell
- Glock 24P
- GLOCK 26
- Glock 27
- Glock 27 not fully going into battery
- Glock 30 Gen 4 CCW
- Glock 30 Gen 4 Mag Release Pushes Hard
- glock 30 sf ?
- Glock 30s accuracy ?
- Glock 30s finish
- Glock 31 .357 SIG
- Glock 34 9mm 4th gen
- Glock 34 Gen 4 FDE frame
- Glock 42 - how to check production date?
- Glock 42 2nd gen wanted
- Glock 42 and Freedom Munitions .380 ammo?
- Glock 42 extended magazines
- Glock 42 First Range Session
- Glock 42 FTF Ohio
- glock 42 pin: how the hell do you get it out?
- Glock 42 pocket
- Glock 42 trigger not resetting
- Glock 43
- Glock 43 Draws Blood
- Glock 43 excitement- not so much...
- Glock 43 holster fitment
- glock 43 Holsters
- Glock 43 magguts
- Glock 43 night sights - what fits?
- Glock 43 or 42 RSA Number stamp
- Glock 43 range report
- Glock 43 vs Kahr PM9 (picture heavy)
- Glock 43 vs Kahr PM9 size (picture heavy)
- Glock 45 Auto's
- Glock 50
- Glock and water...Glock wins!
- Glock Blew Up!
- Glock C model barrel switch
- Glock Cleaning Question
- GLOCK DecalGrip models 20/21 BLACK Rubber
- Glock Fever
- Glock frame lifespan
- Glock G22 or no?
- Glock G42 price
- Glock Gen 1-3 9mm Zev Tech. ZT-FUL-ULT-9-BR
- Glock Glock Glock
- Glock Goes Concealed Carry
- Glock GTL-10 Light?
- Glock Made me buy a G43.
- Glock Maintenance/Rust removal
- Glock night sights Most brands
- Glock RSA Gen3- Best Place to buy
- Glock should hold on G43 production...
- Glock stealth melt custom any thought
- Glock Stock Barrel vs. Lone Wolf vs. Storm Lake
- Glock Trigger
- Glock Trijicon Sights for sale
- Glockmeister mod ?
- Glockmeister Sight Tool For ALL GLOCK Models
- glockn west central WI
- Glocks next product announcement is on 3/20/15!
- Glocks With Threaded Barrels
- Glory be! I got me good' it turns out! FNP-357 range report.
- GM
- GM to cut Chevy
- GMC powertrain warranty to 60
- God is Dead
- Going to the range and taking a.....?
- Gonna Dig Myself a Hole...
- Good day people
- Good deal on FNS 40
- Good gun shops in Houston?
- Good Hangover Food
- Good Qual Drill
- Good quality dress shirts
- good shoot
- Google Data Center
- Got a bad call this morning!
- Got a Survey from the RNC ...
- Got my G43 today
- Gotta love Wal-Mart
- GP100 vs SP101
- Grand Island NE - Cornhusker Classic match - RO Staff needed
- Graveyards
- Gray Injured Self?
- Great front door lock solution...
- Great sniper shot
- Green Tip 5.56mm ban
- Greetings
- Greetings from Illinois
- Greetings from Indiana
- Greetings from Simi Valley
- Greetings from South Florida
- Greetings from the Socialist Republic of California Comrade
- Greetings from Wisconsin
- GSSF/Blue Label G43's
- Guest
- Guilty verdict is in for Chris Kyle murderer
- Guitarists that make you feel happy.?
- Gum Creek Vehicle pistol mounts
- Gun Carrying Workshop
- Gun Control Group Sets up Fake Store
- Gun grabbing sweeping the nation
- Gun Show Calendar
- Gunman cross-examines deputy he once tried to kill
- Guns for sale in Ohio Nighthawk Sig Bushmaster Kimber
- opinions? Trying to buy discontinued gun saw one list
- Gutierrez: In Chicago
- GZimmerman in another shooting
- Had a Jam with Underwood Ammo in My G20
- Had DNA Tested Should I Help Another Find Their Parent?
- Hand in my pocket
- Happy Mother's Day
- Happy Pi day
- Happy Sabbath !!
- Has become a plague?
- ‘Have a Vote on Whether What I’m Doing Is Legal
- Have you???
- Hawaii may start issuing concealed carry permits...
- Heading to Albuquerque in the morning...
- Hearing Aids
- Heck of a good range bag....
- Heizer .223 single shot derringer?
- Helicopter Trouble
- Hello
- hello and thanks
- Hello Charleston SC
- Hello Everyone!
- Hello folks
- Hello from Alaska
- Hello from Atlanta!
- Hello From BC!
- Hello from Boerne
- Hello from Bristol
- Hello from CA
- Hello from California
- Hello from central Georgia
- Hello from Florida
- Hello From GA
- Hello from Indiana
- Hello from Los Angeles
- Hello from Louisiana
- Hello from Michigan
- Hello from Michigan!
- Hello from Northern MN
- Hello from ohio
- Hello from Ohio. New to site and new to Glock
- Hello from PNW Washington
- Hello from SWFL
- Hello from Syracuse
- Hello from Texas
- Hello from TX
- Hello from Western PA
- Hello Guys
- Hello here
- Hello new old guy here from Mo.
- Hello Sig. Goodbye
- Hello to all of you....from NC
- Hello! New member coming over from Calguns!
- hello...
- Help me find this song!
- Help me pick a watch
- Help me Ronda....
- Help with Glock SN
- Hero
- hey
- Hey all - Wichita
- hey from south of L.A.
- Hi
- Hi all!
- Hi every body
- Hi from Plano Tx.
- Hi there
- High end luxury lease
- High Horse
- High visibility hat
- Hillary calls for police transparency
- Hillary Clinton agrees to testify on Benghazi
- Hillary clinton’s brother granted super-rare mining permit from haiti after
- Hitlers Reaction to Gen4 Glocks
- HK MP5 SD 22lr
- HK USP 45 Compact Yea or Nay?
- ho about a Loudener!
- Holder
- Holmen
- Holster for G43
- Holster forum
- Holsters
- Holsters for Concealment
- Holy crap! Im a Grandpa!
- Homeland security
- Homophobia
- Honda Mower that wouldn't start
- Hookers and Blow
- Hornady 90104 American Gunner 380 ACP 90GR XTP JHP 25rd Box
- Hornady Critical Duty 45acp 220gr FlexLock 1 Case in 10x50rd Boxes
- Hornady Critical Duty 45acp 220gr FlexLock 45acp in 50rd Boxes
- Hot Rod Magazine or .com
- Hotrod Car Show in Town / with pictures
- House of Saud and 8 of their friends go to war.
- How big is your hand?
- How cops can help citizens better understand police use of force
- How did they get my e-mail address?
- How Do I Get the Best Prices on Glocks??
- How do you get rid of old paint
- How do you pronounce 64 Impala?
- How does tis scam work?
- How is the 43 lighter than xds?
- How long before.......
- How long does powder last?
- How many bullets?
- How many click a thread just because.....
- How many GT'ers are musicians and what do you play?
- How many mags do you need?
- How many of these do you suppose visit here??
- How Many Pilots Here
- How many steps do you take a day?
- How many times does this happen
- How many USA made Glocks out there?
- How Men Value Independence in Wives — and Daughters
- how not to take off pool cover
- How Nuts is Jeb ?
- How safe is it really?
- How the Yemen conflict risks new chaos in the Middle East
- How tight should M1911 tolerances be?
- How to counteract pepper non-spray? Quick.
- How to lessen recoil on Glock 17 and 23
- How would you describe your politics?
- How'd They Crash One A These Already ?
- Howard Dean: Scott Walker Says Obama Born In Kenya
- Howdy from a first time Glock owner
- Hows Bout a "Things I cant buy today (or evar)" thread?
- HUGE Holster Sale!
- Human bones in preflood Dakota
- HVAC People
- I almost got my 43 yesterday
- I AM TN.Frank. So What?
- I cannot believe I'm asking this on GT but I have never been so angry
- I Didnt Know
- I didnt know Glock Talk had its own Rap albums
- I feel like hell
- i FINALLY bought my first G!!
- I got pulled over...
- I guess I agree with the NAACP...
- I guess I moved up a couple of notches on the seniority list..
- I have these Pinterest icons all over my screen.
- I just ordered me a new 650
- I kinda think Vart stole my...
- I knew they'd never sentence him hard.
- I Know Im Odd
- I Know My Rights-I Pay Your Salary
- I know you Know Dillon dont make
- I Love You Folks
- I need a new watch
- I need help
- I paid $98.50 for a glock 43
- I really wanted to post this in GNG
- I walked to much today
- I will Not Obey That Order.
- i will not obey that order..."
- I wonder what his screen name is here.
- I would like to apologize...
- Ideas for Go Bag
- Ideas for my step mom.
- Ideas for the Glock Pistol
- If We Treated Alcohol The Way We Treat Weed
- If You Had $1250 to Spend on a NEW 5.56 Rifle....What Would You Buy?
- Illegal immigrants sneaking into the United States with packages of drugs a
- Illegals just here for jobs
- Illegals to get SSA as soon as 2017!
- Illinois State Supreme Court strikes down public pension reform law
- Im afraid to rough up your stuff
- Im feeling tacky
- Im that new guy
- Impact Guns vs. CDNN Sports
- In the right place
- in the snow
- Inline Fabrication Products
- insomnia
- installing G17 LWS Slide on G22RTF2 Frame
- Insulin syringe as powder dipper?
- Interesting arrest - Felony Desertion
- interesting assertions in regard Gray matter
- Iowa Mother Teaches Baby-Wearing
- Iowa State Cyclones
- IP Address and VPNs
- iPad battery
- iPad Or Android?
- Iran deal worse than Israel feared
- Iran fires at
- Iraq still getting F-16's
- Ironic New Set Of Stamps
- Is 6+1 enough ammo for CCW with the 43.
- Is G43 larger than Kahr CM9?
- Is Glock 42 Slide not supposed to release with empty mag?
- Is GT on TapaTalk??
- Is gun ownership really down in America?
- Is it foolish to want a 10mm?
- Is Ronda Rousey selling out?
- IS supporters post cartoon depicting Obama beheading
- Is the .22lr drought finally over?
- Is the A-10 in or out?
- Is the Glock 43 right?
- Is the Glockmeister 3.5lb trigger kit essentially a G34 trigger?
- Is the Scar 17 a good first rifle?
- is there a
- Is There a Database that LEOs Can Access with ALL Our Purchases??
- Is there a difference?
- Is there an extended slide release for the shield?
- ISIS Camp a Few Miles from Texas
- Italy : no more FREEDOM in my country.
- Items Least Likely to Work Correctly When You Need Them
- its like an old friend but new
- Its like UP
- its not the $10
- its that time of year again...
- its the principle!!!
- Iwo jima
- J Frame ankle holster
- Jeb is On a Roll ...
- Jelly Beans...
- Jerk pleads guilty
- Jewish deli in Houston?
- Joggers/Runners.....A question for you.
- JP
- JRC IWB mag pouch G17
- Judge delays Feds’ Immigration Emergency Stay Motion to next week
- Judge tells "him" like it is.... I don't think she is in NY
- JuneyBooney
- Just bought a VP9
- Just couldn't walk away
- Just finished a new project!
- Just fired my New Glock 43 Today
- Just got a G42
- Just joined the NRA.
- Just joined!
- Just watched the movie Rules of Engagement...
- Justice for Rick's crew served on Father Gabriel.......
- Kahr CT45
- Kahr P380 in Redding
- Kahr PM40 mag $25 shipped
- Kahr PM9/PM40 Crimson Trace Laser Grip and DeSsantis pocket holster
- Kahr.
- Keep data safe for 200 years - how?
- Keeping mags loaded
- KelTec PMR30 😃
- Kevin of KKM Precision - R.I.P.
- Kid who receives heart transplant dies in car crash evading police….
- kills would be robber
- Kimber Pro Aegis question
- KImber Stainess II (Biloxi
- Kit gun for fly fishing
- Knockin on hells door
- Kydex or Leather
- Lady killed yesterday.
- Lake Powell
- Land shark Leather IWB 1911 Govt holster
- large
- LaRue Tactical A-Peg Grip
- Last bday
- Last Chance 20% off ($30 Max discount) @ SPG - Brass 9mm 17cents per round
- Last Fat Albert JATO Flight
- Last weeks Saul comes on now
- Latest G42 Mags
- LC9s for sale or trade CT LOCAL ONLY
- LCR got a buddy...
- LE6920 for $800
- Lead ingots
- Leather vest getting a blue powdery color?
- leaving due to TRUE BELIEVER
- Lee Classic Turret Upgrade
- Left Using Fake Statistics to Argue Against Welfare Drug Testing
- Legends
- or promotive?
- Leon The Professional movie
- LEOSA thread to end all LEOSA threads. Post any cases denied
- Les Baer Concept II...what say ye?
- lets see your SBRs
- LGS has a 21
- Life is beautiful
- Light strikes on new 26
- Lighter Plunger Spring
- Like new glock 17 barrel
- Llama .380 111A
- loads of fun
- Local raw honey
- Local road rage incident
- locks on MP series......?
- LODD Ocala
- LOL!!! Re-enforced Stereo-Types
- London Mayor Boris Johnson Hates the IRS
- Lone Wolf did you try
- Lonesome Dove
- Long awaited G43 Single stack 9mm
- Long Range Rifle Scopes... 1/8
- long time shooter
- Long winded and boring
- Looking at holster options for my Mark II
- Looking for Glock advice for my 29sf 3rd gen.
- Looking for input
- Looks like my landlord will be no longer with us ..
- Lost my post do to redundent
- lots of gun mfg swag
- Louisiana Police Officer Indicted for Negligent Homicide
- low prices
- LW conversion 40-9
- LWD Billett Locking Block #1447
- M4 Carbine SBR ... Finally Completed
- magazines
- Magazines for my G17
- MagGuts Plus 1 kits for Glock 42 .380 "02" mag style - NEW in box - 5 kits
- Magpul mags
- Magpul PRO Offset Sights Now Available!
- Magwell for Gen 4 Compact (23)
- Maintenance of a Shared Driveway
- Make Em Laugh
- Makes you wonder what we gave Iran.....
- Making A Book The Old Way
- making a Gen 4 39?
- Mall of America urged to drop ‘ridiculous’ concealed-carry ban in wake of t
- Man accidentally shot himself in Chick-fil-A while pulling up his pants
- Man Beaten After Being Asked Michael Brown Question
- Man fatally shot by U.S. Border Patrol was wanted for murder
- Man In AACo. Police-Involved Shooting Pointed Air Rifle At Officers
- Managing magazines (380)
- manhunt underway.
- Mary and Don
- Mas suggested I post this here
- Master Gunsmith
- Maverick Arms
- Mazda 3 2006 gas mileage drop
- Mec-gar 22/45 mags?
- Mech Tech CCU for a Glock 19 9mm
- Media Bias? No None At All
- Medical questions
- Mensa Minds
- Metal Injection Molded (MIM) parts
- Michael Browns parents announce civil lawsuit in death
- Michael Savage is a liar...
- Micro-robot able to tow 2000 times it weight.
- Microsoft support tech call threatens to kill someone
- Milt Sparks VMII for G26/27/33
- Minneapolis police records shed light on 2014 military training
- Minnesota Gun Bills 2015
- Minnesota Gun bills moving tomorrow
- Minnesota: Six Arrested on Terror Charges
- Misc. Glock holsters for sale
- Mishaps happen.
- Missing the Hollywood greats...
- MO Lt Gov. "Theres more racism in the Justice Dept than in St. Louis area
- Moms demand action rally draws only 150 to protest nra’s 70
- More Baltimore police problems....
- more from the racist democrats....
- more power and accuracy
- More Turkish clone firearms coming in - HK 94/91/93 clones
- MOS Sight Height Issue?
- Mossberg 930 Tactical at WalMart.
- Most annoying commercial series - Rob Lowe
- Most awesome thread ever! but wait theres more!
- MotoPG here - just checking in
- Mountain House #10 Cans N.E.OH/FTF
- Move the sights or not?
- Movie Continuity Errors
- moving and shooting the G19
- Moving beyond 9mm input/feedback
- MP MOE question
- MS)
- MSNBC asks
- MSNBC Ratings Crater: All Time Low
- muscle sore for months
- Muslim school 'BANS girls from running in case they lose their virginity'
- Muslim woman tells the truth about islam
- My 34 vs 17 experience
- My 42 did not like HPR
- My best friend lost his pup today.
- My brother in law is a left leaning...
- My childrens school hacked by pro-ISIS group
- My church is suicidal
- My daughter gets married in 5 hours. Advice from the crowd?
- My first 10mm Glock. G29
- My first 300AAC Blackout upper.
- My G34 with Agency arms flat faced trigger!! Love it!!
- My Glock AR9
- My hammer stud broke on my 442
- My new G43 and some holsters I have
- My new Glock 43...
- My new toy!
- My next CCW?
- My TV confession...
- MyTcole?
- N82 tactical iwb holster for g29/g20
- Nairobi Firearm Purchase
- Naked & Afraid - take home message
- Name me a good restaurant in NYC
- Name the Van
- Natchez shooters supply
- Nature Great And Small
- Naval Academy graduate plays in MLB
- NC - WTS: Kimber Custom Classic (Clackamas stamped)
- Need a G23 OWB for hiking
- Need Help on GT with Previews
- Need help please.....
- Need help with Matchbook
- Need info on value
- Need M1A sling help :(
- Need Opinion... Trade my Glock 43 for Gen 2 Glock 19...
- Need some help
- Need some positive thoughts
- Need some postive thoughts and encouragement
- Neighbor has Alzheimers
- Nervousness During Questioning
- Netanyahu says
- Neuroimaging research shows excessive screen time damages
- Neurologist appt is now tomorrow
- Never fired a gun?
- Never had a stye until this week
- new
- NEW - Odin Works SB-PT
- New - S&W M&P CORE .40
- New 458 Socom Brass In Stock
- New Armalite?
- New Bald Eagle front rifle rest from (Review)
- New Book Threatens To Torpedo Hillary's Presidential Campaign
- New firearms policy for local Sheriffs agency.
- New from indiana
- New G10 Multi-Color Handle Material In-Stock Now
- New G22 FTF
- New Gen4 G26
- New Glock 43 First Impressions and Testing
- New Glock fan
- New Glock owner
- New guy
- New Guy from Bicol
- New guy from Chicago
- New guy from Lexington
- New guy from the PNW
- New Hampshire
- new here from the grand canyon state.
- New HK P30SK
- New HK91 Trigger
- New Job
- new kid
- New Kirinite Handle Material - Now Available
- New Laptop
- New member
- New Member from GA
- new member from NC
- New Member in Missouri
- New officer lvl2 vs lvl3a
- new Ohio reciprocity agreements
- New Old Guy from FL
- New recruit from western Wa
- New Sig 1911 9mm
- New SIG P229 DAK....
- New Suppresser Review: Apex Micro!
- New to Firearms Site
- New to forum from Seattle
- new to forum. not new to glocks
- New to Glocks?
- New to GlockTalk
- new to site
- New trend.. pistol whipping robberies?
- New truck.. 2015 Ram 1500!
- New truck...
- New Vaquero Report
- New video card installed
- New video game: Mayweather's Punch Out!!
- New York State of mind
- Newb to Glock Talk
- newbie
- Newbie from Cali
- NEWBIE from Miami
- Newbie from West Virginia
- Newby
- Newest addition to willie_pete casa
- NIB - Sig P238 Equinox
- NIB Beretta Brigadier Inox (Mississippi)
- NIB Galco Combat Master Glock 26
- Nickel vs Brass cases
- no background check proposal
- No Experience No Shoot at Range
- No Glu
- No Respite from High Ammo Prices ....
- No Sale of 5.56 M855 or SS109 after 3/16
- No title
- Nobel Peace Prize chairman who honored Obama demoted six years later
- Non GMO
- Non-dipped extractor myth?
- Norfolk PD Shooting AGAIN
- Norquist book: IRS assault on Tea Party saved Obamas presidency
- North American Arms
- Nose - Face maneuver
- not a tarp
- Not another Trigger question....
- Not exactly Dubai
- Not fishing
- Not Quite as Shameful...
- now 2
- Now a Glock owner
- Now a third reason
- Now in Oklahoma
- NRA's Handgun Of The Year
- Nurse with a Gat
- NY
- Obama
- Obama "Very Interested" In Raising Taxes Through Executive Action
- Obama absent
- Obama And First Family Looked Exceptionally Stylish On Easter Sunday
- Obama bought the Magnum P.I. estate?
- Obama Dares GOP: Go Ahead
- Obama Gives Republicans Such Good Advice ....
- Obama gun control push backfires as industry sees unprecedented surge
- Obama only love cops when convenient
- Obama Says We May Never Know What Happened in Ferguson
- Obama shrugs off chief executive responsibility
- Obama: Religious Acceptance Key to Combating Extremism
- Obamacare Penalty
- Obama’s comparison of civil rights and gay marriage struggles a ‘disgrace..
- Obamas Jobs 4 ISIS Program: First Applications Started Coming In
- Obama’s race to chaos
- Obscure photos that move you.
- OC and contact lenses
- OD green?
- Officer down in Littleton/Denver area
- Officer Down Memorial
- Officer Michael Slager Will Go Free
- Oh
- OH GSSF; Who's going
- Ohio police search for mystery pooper
- Ohio/Texas Reciprocity. . . State Issues. . . Links?
- OK.. 2 home invaders dead
- Old Colt Revolver
- old dogs and new tricks
- Old Timer
- On behalf of Montana
- On your 6 Designs
- Once in a lifetime discounts on Lindon Farms 43% off
- one leaves house through unopened window!
- One of the most interesting new pistols I've seen in a while...
- Online colleges. The good
- Only a Piece Brings the Peace
- Oof!!! Running on fumes
- Open carriers. Do you get weird when someone asks about it?
- opinion wanted on next glock purchase
- opinions on CMMG lower
- Opinions on Federal 9BP(not 9BPLE)
- opinions on glock 19 modifications
- Opinions on the Dillon "Square Deal" as a FIRST Machine...
- or 34
- or MILS?
- or squatter? Q for MI officers
- or thought
- Oregon - ID only
- Oreo cookies suck!
- Oscar Winner J.K. Simmons Calling All Cops ...LAPD
- OTB/IWB Combo Holster Recommendations
- Out of state visiting Maryland
- Out of Water ....
- Outdoor wood furnace
- Outsourcing in America
- Overkill
- overpressure reloads for glock 21 gen 4. Are they safe
- P-51 on board video
- P320 in .45: any at your LGS?
- paid off my credit cards...
- Paid off my house
- Pakistan: Christian Couple Burned Alive
- Palmetto State Armory CHF Mid Length 5.56 $550
- Panama City
- Paperwork: Tax Returns
- Parking your vehicle in case of EMP
- Part 90 FCC license
- Parts in common?
- Passing emergency vehicles
- Passover
- Pastor who was "called" to donate kidney to stranger saves his own life
- Paul Dead in 66??
- Paying for shipped handgun in private sale?
- Pearce mag bottoms for Glock 30
- Pearce Plus Grip Extension
- People sure are funny when someone dies...
- Persec kydex for Glock 26
- Person I helped get fired committed suicide...
- Pew first: Gun rights top gun control in major public opinion shift
- Photo flipped
- Pic OH
- Pick one person on your friends list that you have never met in real life
- Picked up a Socom 16
- Pics of slides refinished by Glock?
- Pics reported to FB
- Pies...
- Pillow Buddies
- pinne
- Pistol Cleaning Kit
- Pit bull kills West Virginia man reviving owner following heart attack
- Pizza delivery man shot twice by customer who tossed explosives at police
- Pizza!
- Plane crashed on interstate today
- Please help!!!
- please log-in
- Pocket Carry and the 4 Safety Rules
- Pocket carrying g43
- Police Brutality?
- Police departments hiring immigrants as officers
- Police turn off dashcam during arrest
- Ponderings
- pooping and Lionel Richie...
- Post your all time favorite internet pic or gif
- Post your ultimate muscle car....
- powder coat/curing ovens
- Powder Cop or Lockout Die (which is better?)
- Powder measures on progressive presses
- Practicing trigger control
- Prep
- preparing for june rolling blackouts in mindanao
- price check on spikes tactical
- Prime
- Primers
- Prison and Incarceration
- Problem extracting snap caps?
- Problem with my Glocks
- Prof: God of religious right is fictional a--hole
- Protest in town - dude looses his poo
- PSP Trooper on the mend.
- PTR 91 experiences?
- Pup hair cut...
- Purchase Discount for New Members....How Does that Work?
- Purchased another XDs...
- Purple Brass
- Putting pressure on Right side of frame...pistol wont fire...
- Pyramid Trigger System in idpa ssp?
- Pyramid Trigger System modification for idpa ssp
- Question about Ghost connector and ammo nosediving
- Question about holster cant
- Question about Shooting a GSSF match....
- Questions
- Questions about suppressed SBRs
- Quick Question on Bullet Drop Shooting UP and DOWN a Steep Hill....
- Raahauge's Ladies Shotgun Clinic - Saturday May 23rd
- Rabbi -
- Racist food label at grocery store
- Racy TV commercials on cable... seen any lately?
- Rangemaster Firearms Instructor Course
- Ranger 1401 checking in
- Raspberries + unflavored yogurt
- Raven Concealment Phantom Modular holster for Glock 30S
- RCBS Loading Block
- Reading glasses!
- ready to draw.
- Real First Impressions G4
- Recommend a revolver for camping/deer hunt
- Recruitment
- Rednecks on spring break
- Reforming 308 to 6.5
- Remember when we bragged about the chicks we ****** or the hotrods...
- Remembering our fallen brothers
- Remington 51
- Remington 870 Stock
- Remington Golden Saber
- Removing oil prints from the slide
- Removing someone from your house? Call cops or not?
- Rented a 43 today
- Rep. Aaron Schock Resigns After Questions Raised About Finances
- Replace 19
- Report: Defense cuts degrading military
- Rest In Peace Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane...
- Results of Michelle's Last Grab of Your Money
- Retaining strap OWB leather holster?
- Retired LEO Carrying out of State
- Riddle me this - can you rent medical equipment for 2-3 days?
- Rip
- RIP Yeoman Rand.
- Robber With Taser- Shoot Him?
- Robbery Prank
- Rocking to the oldies...funny video.
- Roku 2 or Apple TV
- Roland was a warrior...
- Rolex Submariner SS/Gold Blueface
- RSA for Glock 20 fit in a Glock 21?
- Rudy Giuliani makes big impression on Black middle school student
- Ruger American .22
- Ruger LCP mag
- Ruger LCR Sights
- Run a Tab
- Russian 7.62x39 123grn FMJ Polymer Coated 1000rd Case
- Russian researchers expose breakthrough U.S. spying program
- S&W 629-6 for $700
- S&W MP15
- Safarailand RH SSIII Mid-Ride Level III for Glock G20 G21
- Safety First !
- Saiga 12 for sale or trade (IL)
- Saiga 12 price!
- Same silencer on .22 and 5.56?
- San Jose LODD
- San Leandro Police threatened by Oakland Gangs.
- Sandals Resort Antigua Trip
- Save 35% on NukAlert Radiation Detector - Lowest Price Gauranteed
- Saw 2
- Saw a sign in liquor isle at grocery store.
- Say Bac. Do These Look a Little Better?
- says Union.
- SBR paperwork question - home address changes?
- SC
- Scary black rifle made it home
- Scratches on lugs of barrel
- Second range session with P938 :)
- Security guards kill armed man at Obama mart in St. Pete
- Self Defense Insurance
- Sell vs destroy. What depts do with their seized firearms.
- Sellier & Bellot SPP - Good or Bad
- Senate panel probes whether Obama administration funded effort to oust Neta
- September 1
- Seraphim Falls
- Seriously? Porsche blames Paul Walkers driver...
- Setting up crossbow scope help
- Seven Questions About the Second Amendment Answered
- Shadow of Tarpon Springs officers death still lingers on.
- Shames First-Time Buyers
- Sharp Force Trauma-Liontribe Designs
- Sharpton
- Shaving on the weekend.
- she said
- Shipping 9 pound package
- Shipping Lasermax sight
- Shooting in Garland
- Shooting test for CCW
- Shot my 1st Gen 4 today
- Should i sell my G19 RTFII?
- Should I sell my Glock 19?
- Show off your wedding band
- SHTF Ace-1 Gen 2 holsgter PPK
- sick python
- Sig 229 rail vs no rail?
- Sig P220 Elite Stainless .45acp
- SIG P226 VZ Kraken Grips
- SIG P320 Caliber X-Change Kit
- SIG Sauer P6
- Sigh
- SightMark Night Vision
- sign of the apocalypse.....
- Sign the Petition to "Stop the BATE from banning XM855 Ammunition"
- Signt help
- Silencer hide shooters position?
- Silencer? Nah
- simply reaching for a LEOs gun can get you up to 5 yrs!
- Single stack 9mm Glock vs. Ruger LC9s Pro
- Sir
- sizing die question..confused
- Slide cover plate on Glock 43
- Slide Speed?
- Slow Motion Bullet Impacts
- Slow Watch. The brand.
- SLR/DSLR camera folks - some filter advice solicited...
- Small war at Arizona Walmart!
- Smoking a cigarette gets man arrested for gun
- Smooth trigger
- Sniper Championship comes to Fort Chaffee
- Snoop Dog vs. Gun Industry
- So... Can "undocumented workers" buy guns?
- Social Sec in Worse Shape than Thought
- Soda Pop
- Solar Systems
- Sometimes It Is The Small Gestures That Can Mean Volumes Of Truth
- Son sold his audi.
- Son wants an SP1 or Similar any Suggestions??
- Song Lyrics
- Sparks Criterion for Glock 19
- Special PreSale event | UnCooked Freeze Dried Beef Patties | Only 20 Cases
- Speer Gold Dot 45ACP 230gr 50rd Box
- Speer Gold Dot ammo question.......
- Speer Short Barrel .44 magnum?
- Sponge Bob Square Pants 400
- Springfield EMP 9mm
- Springfield M1A with Scope mount and Harris
- Springfield SOCOM Scout Stock
- Springfield XDs
- Springtime - time to get the bicycle out!!!
- Spyderco 92mm Citadel Automatic for sale
- Sr10
- SSA beneficiaries of Obama amnesty covered later this year
- SSDI Could run out by 2016
- Stacking Bricks Like Youve Never Seen
- State
- Statin drugs
- Statue honoring fallen BP Agent Brian Terry unveiled.
- Stay away from AA Tactical in Crestview FL
- STDs up 700%.
- Stealth Gear Onyx for Glock 26 or 19
- StealthGear Onyx IWB for Springfield XD-S
- steel glock mags
- Stock Gen4 G34. Tell me about yours.
- Stopping Power: Myths
- Strange Reaction Using Cold Blue Solution...Can You Explain??
- Stray Dawg
- Streamlight Scorpion.
- Streamlight TLR-6 for G42/G43
- Strider SnG
- Strike Back - anybody watch the show
- Stun Gun question sort of?
- Subud
- Suggestions for good quality green tea?
- Supreme Court Administrative Law Ruling has Far-Reaching Implications for G
- Surprise! Secret Boehner - Pelosi Deal to Fund Excutive Amnesty
- SUV. With style
- Tac-Talk
- tacky
- tacky...
- TacticSkin Slide Covers
- Take an "Exam" to search a forum
- Talent
- TALON Grips for Glock 43 Now Available
- Talon grips glock 43
- Tap and Drill Combo
- Target load for 9mm (XD mod 2) and Rainer 115 gr HP
- Target sights for most accuracy?
- TAS J Sight
- Taurus Tracker info
- Tax Day Coupon Code
- Tax question.
- Te
- Tea Party Patriot James Webb Says He May Vote For Hillary Clinton
- Team Never Quit Ammo at Cabelas
- Ted Nugent Hates Raccoons!
- teen who received controversial heart transplant dies in chase with police
- Telephone Pole Installers Competition
- Tell me about string trimmers
- Tempe Az officer stabbed
- tenant
- Tennessee governor amends 'Guns in Parking Lots' law
- Texas bill to legalize pot passes.
- Texas cops
- Texas Free Speech Shooting - The Gun Issue
- Texas Portrait Contest: Something for appeasers to consider
- Texting while driving
- Thaannnxxxx .... Hillary
- Thanks
- Thanks for the favor but no thanks
- That satisfying holster "click" - Part II
- The 13 words you can’t write about Hillary Clinton anymore
- The 3-Gun Show Podcast
- The 3D Printed Gun...
- The Answer to Life...
- the bad
- The cancer came back
- The case against Hillarys criminal
- The Devil Made me Do It
- the dilemma... HELP!
- The Feds Are Coming To Help...
- The First Crusade Began in 1095
- The Glock 24C
- the Glock of AR15?
- The Golden Nugget: an ethics question...
- The GOP are the most spineless group of urchins
- The greatest rifle shot ever?
- The killing of Osama bin Laden mostly a fabricated story?
- the king of fruit
- The king/queen of thread breadth
- The latest in multi-function developments...
- The longest serving TX Ranger
- The most striking aspect of the Israeli spying leak
- The mystery egger
- The new 43 9mm
- The New Reality - Social Media
- The next ammo run has begun; now on 5.56...
- The NRA
- The Obama Recovery Versus The Regan Recovery
- The only reason Glock is so popular...
- The Original Osprey
- The Price Is Right Oops.
- The question
- The Question Libertarians Just Can’t Answer
- The Speech On Race Obama Will Never Give
- The T-Rex Burger
- The theistic burden of proof
- the ugly
- The Wailers ?
- The World’s most expensive individual landslide
- The Zombie's Infallible Firearm Data Source
- There are a couple of these I cant do anymore
- There is still love for the Crown Vic.
- theres a woman Blue Angel
- These Any Good
- Thibodaux Hampton Hotel
- Thinking of a large or XL Big Green Egg
- This is a bad week for cops and cameras
- This is the scariest video I have ever seen
- This Tuesday 6 pm this low life will meet his maker...
- This will suit me just fine for a service pistol
- Thousands of California Workers Lose Jobs to H-1B Visa Immigrants
- Thread for all the women of GT...
- Thumb Breaks/Snaps
- Thumb rest removal
- Time flys...
- Time For A New CCW Pistole
- Tired Of It
- To My Friends Outside My Police Family: This is Why We Can’t Stop Talking
- To those of you with stippled grips...
- Tom Cotton Heated Over Gitmo: Only Problem There is Too Many Empty Beds
- Tom Givens/Mike Seeklander podcast
- Tomahawks!
- Too
- Too many certificate authorities to trust
- Took the 43 Home
- Took the new 30 out...
- Tool pouch and accessories for Hämmerli 208/211/212
- TOPO Map APP and a GPS Tracking App for IPHONE...Recommend Some Please...
- Totally New Opinion of the Glock 45ACP....
- Tracking all of Hillary's Accents
- Traffic stop turns into a shoot out (vid)
- Tragedy averted!
- Traveling for work ??
- Trespass vandalism...WTH?
- Tried a Thai restaurant and sushi bar
- Trijicon hd rear with XS front sightquestion
- Trijicon HD sights issue
- Troy Offset Sight Set
- Troy Rifle Question
- True Left handed Glock
- TruGlo TFX
- Trump running for real?
- Trying to Learn Burmese
- TSA approved cases
- Tuckable IWB Holster question.
- Tucker Texas Heritage IWB / Safariland - SSIII Mid-Ride Lev
- Tulsa
- Turn In Your “Assault Rifle” for a Tax Break
- Two Officers down in Mississippi
- TX
- TX at Free Speech mohammed Art Contest
- U.S. Exaggerates Islamic State Casualties
- UC Berkeley students want to rename building to honor cop killer
- UFC Mir vs Bigfoot free on FS1 tonight
- unable to reach my maximum resolution
- Underwood 10mm
- Unertl Ordnance 1911 > Ok Bac
- unfired)
- Unique Statues From Around The World
- United Kingdom votes in most unpredictable election in decades
- Universal Studios Orlando installs metal detectors at three ride entrances.
- Univisions Rodner Figueroa fired for Michelle Obama comment
- Up For Auction
- Updated G42 range report
- URI - last public university without armed officers go 357Sig! P226Dak
- USB 2.0 on 3.0 USB ports?
- Used 43
- Using the air conditioner
- USS Gabby Giffords
- VA Secretary Lies about being special forces
- Value of Glock 36 from 00-02
- Vatican astronomer denounces Creationism as "paganism"
- VE Day
- Versa-carry ?
- Very unique problem
- Vet tries to stop flag desecration
- Vibra Prime
- VICE killing cancer
- Vickers Mag
- Vickers Parts
- Vickers tactical Glock 17 range report.
- Vickers Tango Down products?
- Victory Day Parade 2015...........Comrade!
- Video of kid finding machine gun parts in a river
- Vintage 17 mag not caliber marked?
- Visited a new liquor store yesterday
- Visiting the PDRC
- Visiting-Colorado Legal Marijuana-do you smoke it and how do you prepare
- vltor upper
- Vortex Sparc
- Walking dead Prequel is official
- Walther PP....What Kind of Deal or Trade Can I Get one For These Days??
- Walther PPQ 9mm conversion barrel for .40
- walther ppq navy
- Want an original MkI Spitfire?
- Want to buy a new glock today but
- wanted gen 3 19 comp barrel slide
- Warren Buffett criticizes Keystone XL delay "US thumbing nose at Canada
- Warren tactical rear sight for glock
- was I wrong to post?
- Watch advice
- Ways to Lessen FELT Recoil in My Benelli M1 Super 90??
- We No Longer Cooperate With Immigration Authorities
- We went to Cinderella... and I LOVED it.
- Weird Dreams
- Weirdest Night Evar.
- Well its official - Im a four eyed freak!
- Went down to Juarez for dinner last night !!
- Went on a ride-along with my State Trooper buddies
- Went to a Syrian funeral today
- West Virginia pharmacist shoots
- Westboro To Picket Nimoy Funeral
- Western street rod nationals.
- WH weighs emergency request to block judges immigration ruling
- What A Shame........Abandoned Castle
- What are you carrying your Shield in?
- What can you sign to avoid a felony arrest involving guns??
- What did i just get
- What did you call your grandparents?
- What do you guys think of our new holster?
- What do you think will be the biggest movie of the year?
- What do you use when ordering guns/stuff?
- what ever happened to the guy that built the hot dog cart?
- What gr bullet should i load?
- what happened to the "Hitler complaining about the Glock 43 video?"
- What happens if you dont pay the tax for not having medical insurance?
- What is it about our psyche that attracts us to shows that depict evil?
- What is the best value all-wood AK going today?
- What is the value of Black Talon ammo?
- What kind of trigger is this?
- What Music Album/Tape/CD Do You Know Best?
- What night sights fit thck 30S?
- What Professionals
- What to do in Tucson
- what to feed the glock.
- What's Causing the Problem?
- Whatever happend to...
- whatever happened to ...
- Whats an affordable option for retrieving an inoperable vehicle hours away
- Whats going on in Finland ?
- When does/doesnt an off-brand cut it?
- When troops kill vs 0bammy kills...
- Where and how do I apply...
- Where are all the 10mm Silvertips?
- Where do I buy this in LED?
- Where do you get your training/techniques and/or advice?
- Where to buy Glock factory parts
- Where to find episodes of Better call Saul
- Where were the Westboro Baptist Church...
- Which 45 to keep?
- Which G30 do you suggest?
- White Americans In Full Decline!
- White Appreciation Day...
- White House spokespeople
- Who dabbles the market?
- Who doesnt see a difference between regular and non-HD TV?
- Who here has worked for the Governement
- Who here trains for the fall Deer Hunt and how?
- Who is still in love with their first car ?
- Why a 9mm will not fit the 42 platform
- Why am I shooting way low with G42 & G43?
- Why did Clinton say she didnt want to use State Dept account
- Why do banks make it so hard to buy a used car?
- Why Do Religious People Have No Political Power?
- Why hasn't this knucklehead been dealt with?!
- Why I say the G43 is the best
- Why is .30-.30 so hard to find?
- why is Glock so susceptible to limp-wristing?
- Why is the 357 Sig Languishing?
- Why isnt Simple Green accpted when it come to cleaning?
- Why not just go metric?
- Why Not One Governor is Qualified to be President
- why such fat grips?
- Why the Police Officer Won’t Shake Your Hand
- WI RO Sign up and Contact info
- wildest case
- will better to be safe than indited in Baltimore
- Will Brian Williams Be Back ? ...
- Will dit connector increase crispness of gen 4
- Will the 43 accept 42 sights?
- Will the clash over Keystone ever end?
- Will Vickers G42 parts work in the G43?
- Win north of DFW
- Winchester Model 1200 Defender?
- Winchester Model 1400?
- windowed Pmags
- Witchy!
- With Malice Toward Nun
- with pride from italy
- Witnesses to Mike Brown Shooting Feared Contradicting Hands Up
- Wolff guide rod and spring
- Wolff springs for XD45 and XD45(M) 13-rd mags and recoil calibration pack
- Woman arrested for running over BF...after catching him molesting girl
- Woman digs up fathers grave....
- Woman Shoots Intruder With Gun Her Son Gave Her
- wouldn't you practice first?
- Wow
- Wow! Big change to drug searches during traffic stops!
- Wow! Thank goodness for pocket video!
- Wow..lightning strike
- WPA Polyformance 9x18 Makaroav 94gr FMJ 1000rd Case
- WSF and SNS 147gr coated/grooveless
- Wtb
- wtb .40 ammo
- WTB All FDE Glock 19 gen4?
- WTB Anything Glock
- WTB gen 2 plus 2 mag base plates
- Wtb Glock conversion barrel
- WTB Walther PP-22 Magazine
- Wtb- compelte upper- g17
- WTB- Glock 10mm 6 barrel
- WTB: Avenger style holster for full size 1911
- WTB: Beaver Tails for G19 Gen 4
- WTB: Complete Glock 19 Gen 4 Slide
- WTB: CompTac FBI Paddle for Glock small frame
- WTB: GAP Floor Plates
- WTB: Glock 17 Gen 1
- WTB: Glock 19 Gen 4
- WTB: Glock 38-45GAP Slide
- WTB: Glock factory 27 slide or upper
- Wtb/wtt glock 19 mags
- WTF gun shops that refuse to price over the phone
- WTS - 340 M&P w/Crimson Trace - Mint - Nevada
- WTS - 5 Glock 30 magazines
- WTS - Glock 21SF with Extras
- WTS - Glock Factory Night Sight 20
- WTS - Magpul MOE Rifle Length handguard + 2 rails
- WTS - Nighthawk Custom T3 - Never Fired - Nevada
- WTS - Pearce Grips for Glock 29
- WTS a Glock 26 mag Culpeper Va
- WTS Beretta 21A .22LR Magazine (Fl) pics
- Wts brand new G19 gen 3 upper assembly
- WTS Gen 4 Heavy Guide Rod Assembly
- WTS glock 19 barrel.
- Wts glock 22 rtf2 with gills
- WTS Glock 34 M.O.S. w/ RMR
- wts glock 36 45acp
- WTS Glock 42
- WTS Glock G37s
- WTS Glock Parts-OEM
- WTS inexpensive night vision monoculars
- WTS Kahr MK9 - AZ will ship
- WTS LNIB Gen3 Glock 30 (CONN) $400
- WTS LNIB Milt Sparks Criterion 30S
- WTS Lucid M7 red dot w/ Truglo 3/4" riser mount $150
- WTS LWD 2 port extended barrel for G29
- WTS NcStar 2 x 6 x 28 AR scope
- WTS NIB 3rd Gen Glock 19 w/Night Sights/5mags. $525 shipped
- WTS NIB 3rd Gen Glock 19 w/Night Sights/Holster/3mags. $525 shipped
- WTS Occidental Gunleather 1911 5"
- WTS Raven Phantom G19/23/32 with TLR-1
- WTS S&W M&P Shield .40 S&W Magazine (Colorado)
- WTS Surefire M300b weapon light
- WTS Two comp-tac bodies
- WTS Unfired Gen 4 Glock 26 / SE Michigan
- WTS- Action Arms IMI Micro UZI 9mm pistol
- WTS- UM double mag pouch- MI
- WTS-Rem 700 Milspec 5R - LNIB - w/Free Nightforce Mount (NV)
- WTS: (NV) Custom STI Gov't 1911
- WTS: 5 Glock 22 mags
- wts: ar15 5.56 sbr upper 10.5" (ct)
- WTS: BCM 14.5 middy
- WTS: Blade Tech Eclipse OWB RH Holster--Glock 17
- WTS: BNIB LWRC Deal for you! LWRC ICM6-A2 5.56 16" Gas Pison w/ Accessory P
- WTS: Brand new Ghost Edge 3.5lb connector
- WTS: Comp-Tac Infidel Glock Holster
- WTS: Comp-Tac Minotaur IWB Glock 19 $50 shipped
- WTS: Crimson Trace LG:436
- WTS: ESEE Izula / ESEE-4
- WTS: Factory Glock Minus Connector and NY1 Trigger Spring
- WTS: Gen 1 Glock 17 w/ Tupperware Box
- wts: glock 21 gen 4 slide complete w/mags (ct)
- wts: glock 22 gen 3 (ct)
- WTS: Glock 42
- WTS: Glock shoulder holster for G20 21 29 30
- WTS: GlockTriggers Haley Skimmer Trigger System for G4/9mm Glocks
- WTS: LEFT HAND - IWB - G-19/23(26/27 too?) $35
- WTS: LWRC M6A2 Rifle (14.7" barrel
- WTS: Maxpedition Beefy Organizer
- WTS: NIB Smith & Wesson 686 Plus 4 inch SW PA $625 shipped
- WTS: Remington 870 parts (So. Cal)
- WTS: RH Kydex/Leather OWB Holster Glock 26/19/17
- WTS: SCAR 16S - Black
- WTS: TLR-1s
- WTS: Trex Arms HK VP9 Nomad IWB Holster Kydex
- WTS: Vector Fullsize Uzi
- WTS: VP9/P30 magazines
- WTS: Winchester Ranger ammo (40
- WTS/T ZT / Spyderco
- WTS/TT Caspian glock 23 slide. Complete w internals.
- WTS/WTT Hk P30 15 round 9mm Magazines(NIB)
- WTS/WTT Kimber 1911 .22 LR conversion kit
- WTS/WTT: 9x19 STI Elektra (AL)
- WTS/WTT: Colt Detective Special
- WTS/WTT:Glock 35 slide and barrel
- Wtt 9mm ammo for gun
- wtt a rem mod 572bdl deluxe
- WTT Glock 29sf
- WTT Glocks
- WTT Raven Concealment Glock 9mm double mag pouch MD cut for Standard cut
- wtt Ruger LCR 9mm in Florida.32060
- WTT: Manix 2 black DLC blade
- WTT: Pre-Ban G20 10mm mag for G19 or G23 Pre ban mag
- WTT: RIA 1911A1 9mm
- WTT/FS Remington 700 LTR 308 //KY//
- WTT/WTS Glock 30s NS
- WTT/WTS NIB TC Dimension 30-06 w/ Extras
- WV Govenor Vetoes Conceal Carry
- WWII 1911ish 1943 Star Model B Bulgarian Contract
- WWII Planes Found In A West Texas Barn
- Xanax and alternatives for panic attacks.
- Yemen: Mission Accomplished!
- Yes
- Yolo CA Finals are posted
- You gotta see this!
- Your head might just explode...
- Your opinion of Mike Tyson's career
- Your personal phone ??
- Your thoughts on private schools....
- Youtube videos not on iphone
- Yup
- Zbigniew Brzezinski is a lunatic
- Zero turn lawn mowers....
- Zero-Roze screwed up experience
- ZEV ultimate match trigger kit
- Zombie Shooter
- ZQI Factory Tour By Military Arms Channel
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