Anybody own a pizza shop?

jeudi 26 mars 2015

I've worked at a restaurant..same building, now on to the 3rd owner...for 10-11 years. The last owner was awful, failed within a year. She added pizza to the menu and it was awful.

The new owner wants to keep the pizza and I am now the manager. I was hoping there is someone here that owns, or used to own, a pizza shop. I would like some tips...I want to find different dough, I'm considering making our own, but the kitchen is small. I need new sauce, the old sauce was sweet and runny. She mixed up a bunch of stuff together and added a bunch of sugar. I need to know if most shops grease the pans before the dough goes on, she did and the crust was greasy and awful, but it could have just been the dough.

Any tips and tricks are appreciated.

Anybody own a pizza shop?

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