New Job

dimanche 29 mars 2015

At 15 years and two weeks I left my job. My contract so to speak was ignored. On the day of 15 years I told my boss and the owner of the co. I wanted a new gig. More money and more time off. At that point the crickets started singing.

A week later I threw my key down on my desk and walked out for good. I couldn't even drive the 45 miles home after walking out on the cheap ass's and my cell was blowing up. I then took the micro sd out of my S4 and threw the pos out the window. I needed some me time. Not family time or your time or there time. Me time!

I went west for a week. Then spent a week home and had to deal with a crim and cops. I then went east. Do any of you know how freaking nice it is to unplug? I felt a bit naked in the begining. But a few days in it was like way cool. No cell phone, laptop, desktop. No computer I had to answer to. And I love tech.

I was in hillbilly Arkansas what I call home and decided to go get a new phone. Poor little gal charged with dealing with me freaked out over how my new phone started buzzing and throwing up info on her when she activated it. It scared her to the point of dropping a new S5.

Before I signed to keep my unlimited data package.... <<<< don't let them screw you out of that old school unlimited data gig. I had a new job. :)

Bottom line,,, better benny's, more money and less responsibility. I no longer have to deal with bid and spec. I don't have to deal with over educated engineers that can't think above a 3rd grade level. I get paid for my education efforts and the skills are not rep centered or factory myopic.

I'm so glad I walked out,, took a break and looked at the nsg's on my new phone.

New Job

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