Easy App to Upload Pics from my Phone to PhotoBucket??

samedi 28 mars 2015

Hey all,

Been looking for an APP to upload pics on my Phone to my PhotoBucket account. The app that PhotoBucket has....SUX to put it bluntly. I tried it and I couldn't figure out how to select a photo and upload it. It looked like it was more of a way to access your folders on PhotoBucket on your phone.

I'm looking for an app to do this simply and easily. I can't believe PhotoBucket doesn't have a simple app to do this.

Anyway, do you all know of an app to do this?

If not, I am going to need to switch to a new hosting site where I can take a pic on my phone, upload it and then share it on here, Ebay or wherever. Can you suggest an app for this?



Easy App to Upload Pics from my Phone to PhotoBucket??

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