My daughter gets married in 5 hours. Advice from the crowd?

samedi 28 mars 2015

(This otta be good. I''m sure all the responses will all be spot on.......)

My advice to her will be this:

Love each other unconditionally. And if you aren't sure what "unconditionally" means, make sure you understand.

Marriages, like partnerships, are very hard work. No matter how hard you fight, no matter how mad you are, keep your eye on the big prize. Security, family, better health, and the love of family.

For her: Get off his back.

For him: Respect her.

And know you have a strong family standing behind you when you waver. We'll help you.

You're making a promise to us, the congregation, and God that you'll make this work, so own it.

God bless you, and good luck.

My daughter gets married in 5 hours. Advice from the crowd?

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