Another 42 back from Glock

jeudi 26 mars 2015

Sent my 42 is 10 days ago for premature slide lock. Received it back in a timely fashion. Not a word from Glock when they had the gun. Delivery note says they replaced the recoil spring and fired 2 magazines thru the gun, no malfunctions. As soon as I got home, loaded up and went out back. First mag had 2 premature slide locks. Second mag had 1 slide lock and so on. The problem continues as consistent as before I sent to Glock. I called Glock immediately and explained what happened. He asked me what kind of ammo I was using and I told him. He said send the gun back in and put the type of ammo in the notes. You've got to be kidding me! They never asked that the first time or even tried to contact me with any questions (what type of ammo are you using). To top if off the guy was very rude and arrogant. Told me there is no problem with my gun and that the 42's are not having any problems. So much for wishful thinking on my part. I thought Glock would take care of the problem, not deny there is a problem. Way to go Glock! My money along with others who ask for recommendations will be spent elsewhere. Glock obviously doesn't need anybody's $$$:dunno:

Another 42 back from Glock

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