How the Yemen conflict risks new chaos in the Middle East

samedi 28 mars 2015


BEIRUT — The meltdown in Yemen is pushing the Middle East dangerously closer to the wider regional conflagration many long have feared would arise from the chaos unleashed by the Arab Spring revolts.

What began as a peaceful struggle to unseat a Yemeni strongman four years ago and then mutated into civil strife now risks spiraling into a full-blown war between regional rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran over a country that lies at the choke point of one of the world’s major oil supply routes.

With negotiators chasing a Tuesday deadline for the framework of a deal to curb Iran’s nuclear program, it seems unlikely that Iran would immediately respond militarily to this week’s Saudi airstrikes in Yemen, analysts say.

But the confrontation has added a new layer of unpredictability — and confusion — to the many, multidimensional conflicts that have turned large swaths of the Middle East into war zones over the past four years, analysts say.

The United States is aligned alongside Iranian-backed militias in Iraq and against them in Yemen. Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, who have joined in the Saudi offensive in Yemen, are bombing factions in Libya backed by Turkey and Qatar, who also support the Saudi offensive in Yemen. The Syrian conflict has been fueled by competition among all regional powers to outmaneuver one another on battlefields far from home.

Take a good look at what Obama has done in the middle east, and then consider the prevailing wisdom of the so-called conservative pundits that its all the result of a bumbling Obama foreign policy, DELUSIONAL says FNC talking head Charles Krauthammer!

You are being Grubered, Obama is an agent of Iran, thats not speculation, thats just the most logical conclusion for his UNWAVERING path since taking office in 08, he is not bumbling, the bumbling is being carried out by the D-Bag congress and senate, who are literally fiddling as Rome burns!

How the Yemen conflict risks new chaos in the Middle East

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