Guest, tenant, or squatter? Q for MI officers

mercredi 25 mars 2015

Got a friend with a kid thinking with his little head, let some girl with a sob story he meet at a bar stay at his place for about 6 weeks. Never gave her a key, no rent paid, no lease, some clothes, personal items are there. He had a roommate that he's friends with to help bolster any he said/she said issues.

I think the no key proves no intent to let her move in, she's not a tenant. She left, but drama is inbound, he's OK with giving her stuff, obviously, she said they can't make her leave (when she called them on phone after leaving).

6 weeks is a long time though, not sure she's still a guest at this time. Thinking maybe she's a squatter.

Does he have to formally evict her? Does she have the right to stay there in the meantime?

I think in MI, if she's squatter or tenant, you have to evict, guest can be trespassed, especially since she left voluntarily.

I told him call the sheriff to see what's up, and if she stops by, don't let her in, see if they will trespass her if she won't leave. They'll tell him if he has to let her stay until eviction. Sheriff typically monitors eviction to prevent shenanigans here, so I figure they'd be better versed in this stuff than maybe local cops.

Any problems with my advice? What should I have told him to do?

Bonus stupid points, she's over 18, under 21, apparently was drinking at their house too. He's like 22, 23. Unclear if he got it for her or she helped herself to the fridge, or if that matters. Not clear how he meet her at bar, but i think some places still let you on at 18, but stamp your hand so you don't get served alcohol.


Guest, tenant, or squatter? Q for MI officers

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