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Glock 19 2nd Gen for sale
mardi 24 mars 2015
Glock 19 2nd Gen 9mm for sale, with extra mag. All stock. 40k (neg). Pls. text 0905 324 7777 for more info.
Glock 19 2nd Gen for sale
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? for Tacoma Pickup Owners
?Why do Glock pistols cost so much?
.223/5.56 ammo ban lurking. Shelves are bare!
.45 ACP: HST or Hydra-Shok?
.45 Auto (revolver)
.45acp to 45super
"." Connector/Connnector 5 AND NY1 Trigger Spring
"A silly millimeter longer..."
"Come and Take It" - The Grill
"Gun Battle" Sends Deputy and Suspect to the Hospital
"HK USP Accuracy Problem"
"It" might kill you...
"Norfolk Police Department" Gen 3 G17
"Religion of Peace" Strikes Detroit and FL
"Ride the Thunder" a movie about the Vietnam War
"Wheres Quack?"
"Would you vote for Hillary?" Poll
(FL) FS/FT: 2002 Gibson Les Paul Studio
+P and G34 GEN 4 & G41 GEN 4
$10/box of 9mm brass ammo
$3k Ruger 1911!
$4 Million in Gold Stolen from Truck in North Carolina
000 criminal aliens onto streets
000 in nashvill
000 miles
000-year-old Anglo-Saxon potion kills MSRA superbug
10-20k rounds later... should I need to replace anything?
100 Miles From Nowhere
1050 Dillon
10yo gas water heater questions........
12 Survival Lessons from the War Ukraine
13C reviews Harry Potter and Hermiones wands with explosive results
14" NON-NFA Mossberg Conversion........
16 Spitfires!
17L front sight
1903a3 rear sight question
1911 9mm
1970s Beretta 92S
1982 Jeep CJ7 Renegade with original paint
2 New HK VP 9 mags 15 round
2 officers shot at protest outside Ferguson police station
2003 G22 - Can it be improved?
200gr JHP - Holy Crap
2014 Dodge Caravan rental question......
2015 Griffin Ga Debriefing and Photo Thread.
2015 Police Road King Feedback
2015 Yolo
22 ammo
2nd Glock
3 nabbed in NY
3-gun Glock
3.9 Student Failed for Refusing to Condemn Christianity
308 AR or FN Scar 17?
30S / 21SF mag release
30S GNS04
30s range time
30s try out
30th April 1975-2015
357 Sig bullet
38 special whats your choice?
3rd gen glock 23
40th anniversary of the last day of the VN War
43 magazine issues
45 ACP
45 Colt factory ammo chrono results
45acp or 357mag
4moa w/ Larue LT660
5 days only
5 East Bloc 40 rd AK47 mags; 5 NIW Beretta 92/M9 30 rd mags
5 Mags (Fl) pics $415-
5:11 Thumbdrive Opinions???
50 dollar fine for not voting
50 Reasons Were Living Through the Greatest Period in World History
65 Perfectly Timed Military Pics
7th Circuit Court Rules Assault Weapons Ban OK Based on Feelings
9mm Brass
9mm Glock 19 vs 357 Sig and 40. I'm weak.
9mm info requested please...
9mm Short = .380 caliber?
9rd Magazines (New)
A buddy of mine got a drone!
A challenge for all professors in this forum
A Confession...
A Couple Of Good Guys
A False Hope of a Reformed Islam
A Five Mile Hike
A little help please...
A new 357Sig pistol! My-O-My!
A Reminder: "What This Forum Is Here For - Read This If You Post Here"
A test drive gone horribly wrong
A valid compromise to HR218 for COs?
A Very Strange Elevator In Denmark Is One Of The Last Of Its Kind
Absent Lesser Charges Than Murder
Absolute shock......a student loan story.
Absolutely lawless
ACA price tag continues to drop
Accident or hit and run?
Accuracy issue with Glock
ADM UIC rifles
Administration memo tells border agents they can release drunk drivers
Advantage Arms L.E. 17-22 Conversion Kit
Advice on setting up a will for Mom
Age at SWAT application
Aguila 38 Super +P 130gr FMJ 50rd Box
Ah yezzzz.... tambourine and high-hat hips....
Aimline Sights
Aimpoint H
AK Permitless Carry: Weeding out the undeserving...
AK47 Selection
AlJazeera takes a swing at Bloomberg
All plastic gun?
ALLOWS Federal Takeover Of Police
Alternate perspective on Islam..
Am I the only one don’t feel a need for a single stack Glock?
Amazon Dash
America: Imagine the World Without Her
Americans Overwhelmingly Support 'The Right To Offend'
An Alternate Look at Handgun Stopping Power
An Interview With George Zimmerman – March 2015
and 30S with 357 Sig?
and G22 mags
and I wanted to share it!
and my opinion of the 43
And now
and Realities
And they call themselves Christians?
ankle; Glock 19 belt holsters FS:
Annual Mower Thread: Husqvarna/Ariens Experience?
Another .500 Nitro express handgun
Another "Angel" Shot
Another 42 back from Glock
Another boringly regular G43 range report...
Another Friday night in the ER ...
Another Glock vs an XDM
Another Hero Gone
Another interesting solicitaion
Another McDonalds Fight
Another New from Indiana
Another new Nebraska member
Anti gun??
anti-ECB demo in Frankfurt
Anti-gun Bigotry? There’s an App for That
Anti-Semitic attackers yelling we will kill you storm synagogue in London
Ants Bugs Pests
Any experience with a Morton steel shed?
Any experience with Dysphagia here ?
Any Forum Members in Daytona Beach area?
any good?
Any of you filthy hippies going to Coachella?
Any other G43 +1s on the horizon?
anybody else going?
anybody heard about this yet?
Anybody here ever seen Mt. Everest?
Anybody own a pizza shop?
Anybody recognize this place?
Anyone a member of USCCA?
Anyone built/had their home built
Anyone burned out on these superhero movies?
Anyone fly often out of Newark?
Anyone have a 43 fail to lock back?
Anyone have RV Satellite Internet?
Anyone here raise Quail?
Anyone like Eminem?
Anyone own a Emerson CQC-7
Anyone Own or Carry a MICROTECH Auto?
Anyone Seen "BIRDMAN?"......SPOILERS...
Anyone try the new Steak and Shake Cajun hamburger?
Anyone try these snap caps?
Anyone use KCI Mags?
Anyone Use Regular Hardware Store Grease and Lube On Their Firearms?
Anyone use this ammo?
Anyone w/G19 brass to face in Dallas?
Anyone want a Cutaway G17?
Appeal court says no to openly carrying guns (FL)
Appears Obama threatened to shoot down Israeli war planes!!
Apple Smart Watch
approved amnesty applications despite injunction
April 30
April Challenge
AR Precision Rifle Completed...Specs and Pic
AR ran fine 100% yesterday thanks guys.
AR Triggers / sights for sale
Ar-15 ?????
AR-15 price gouging
AR15 Upper: BCM BFH Hammer Forged 16" Mid Upper w/ Geissele Mk1 13" Rail
Are Randall knifes worth the $ ?
Are there any clones better than the original?
Are you a "lawn enthusiast"?
Arms Unlimited
Armslist treasure.....
Arrrrnold and Zombie - looks interesting.
At last! A diagnosis
At The Bus Stop
At the center of the whole "militarization" debate: A fundamental mistake
at the end-of-the-day its a G-26...
at the right time
ATF apologizes for ‘error’ on ammo-ban regulations
Atheists Own The Internet!
ATN X-Sight
Aurora CO arrest an 18-year-old man for ramming officer with his car
Automatic holsters for Israeli open carry...
AZ Senator Want to Mandate Sunday Church For All
B-Loon-Berg Outed By His Own Hired Gun In Vermont
B3 Straight 9.5"-Liontribe Designs
Baba Jaga
Back kant mod 36 holser
Back to the real world
Bad Outcome For All
Baltimore Mayor GIVES UP Control Of City
Baltimore PD/FD scanner:
Bar Mitzvah gift question
Barack Obama’s top aide says Israeli ‘occupation’ must end
Battle Belt instead of a Sam Browne?
BCM 14.5 pinned w/ KMR Bushy od lower rifle
BCM 18 inch 410 stainless kmr upper
Be Careful Out There...Yikes
Because Old Ladies Mall Walk
because Photo Booth isnt Working
Ben Carson for President. What do you think?
Ben E. King had passed away.
Benchmade Lifesharp Service
Beretta 92FS Fusion for $11
Beretta 96FS Discontinued?
Beretta PICO
Berrys plated 165fp .40
Best 5 kw sauna heater
Best all around plowing/utility solutions
Best app to track the wifes period?
Best April Fools Pranks
Best Business apps for your mobile
Best dies for a hand press
Best Fast Food Breakfast
Best Glock of All Time.
Best handgun for bad ammo?
Bianch X15 X-Large Shoulder Holster
Big Dot N/S
big thanks to GT Distributors
Big Trouble
Bill Gates: AI could wipe out humanity.
Bill to limit police deadly force advances in Missouri Senate
billet ambi lower
Biology types
Black Activist: White Militia Group May Be Responsible For Shooting Ferguso
Black Kershaw Tanto Serrated Blur Knife with SpeedSafe Assisted Open
Black Rain Ordnance BRO-PG5 Piston
Blackhawk EPOCH Level 3 Light Bearing Duty Holster
BLACKHAWK GLOCK 20/21 RH Askins Compact Holster (Brown)
Blew up my G30 today!
Blue Freedom Hydropower Plant
Blue Label FDE
Blue label price on G30
Blue label?
Body Transplant In Two Years
Boise ID prelims
Bolt Gun rethink. A logical choice.
Bond is dead
Boneless ribeye
Boston PD officer shot - was in Watertown
Bought myself two new .22 rifles.
Brand new g33 barrel with ammo
Brand New Glock 17 + G26 Xgrip Combo
Brand new Remora magazine holster
Brand New Smith & Wesson M&P 40C. $425.00 Shipped.
Bratton’s big ideas for the NYPD
Bravo concealment
Brazil's Confederados
BREAKING – SIG SAUER: Pistol Stabilizing Brace is Legal
Breaking : NYPD COP SHOT IN Queens
Breaking: Atf backs down on ammo ban after public outcry
Britain's Muslim Underage Marriage Epidemic
Broke Glock 17
BRRRRRRTTTTTT. A-10 First flight anniversary
Buckshot vs slugs
Budget ideas
Buffer Zone for Police?
Bulk 22 ammo prices
Bullets aren't magic like on TV
Bulls Bag Shooting Rest
Burris AR-332
but certain
But Defends DOJ
But I Like The Finger Grooves!!
but I took pictures anyway :)
but in a chair. With a shotgun.
But its a sunny -17
but never makes the news?
buying non lethal ammo
Buying Parents House Questions
by own hand
CA 3/14-15 Roll Call
CA: Out of Money
Calibrated recoil
Calling cops on neighbor
can add cash!
Can Someone Explain this Auction to Me Please??
Can Someone Explain?
Can you run from police? US courts apply a double standard
Carhartt-Who has the best prices?
case (FL)
Cat Bite.....????
CBO: Feds Out of Control
CCW carry
CCW foils robbery
CCW sticky holster
Cell phone in Europe question
cell phone service ?
Cell phones and calling 911...
Cell Phones And Speakers
Central Texas NewGuy...Ready to Talk Glock :)
changing out stock front sight for night sight?
Channel Guide Game
charity did not disclose donors
Cheap Tips and Tricks for Dillon 550B and XL650 Presses
Cheap way to upgrade your door
cheapest Ive seen online.
cheapest way?
Chewing in a cigar
Childrens Flash Mob In Paris
Chris Kyle is guarding heaven...
Christie pardons Philadelphia mom who was arrested after bringing gun to NJ
Chuck E. Cheese Employees Attacked
Cincinnati FF LODD
Citizenfour - anyone watch it yet?
Clamp on muzzle brake. Sweet...
Classical Music
cleaning solutions
Coast Guard video of plane parachuting into ocean
Cobra Buckle too small for belt?
Cold Steel Steel Tiger
Colins new video on the SCAR 17
Colorado hunting/gun industry boycott a bust.
Colt AR-15 SP1?
Community policing defined.
Company firearms policy
competition magazine base for glock
Computer experts: No sound on youtube?
Conceal carry
Concealed carry in the era of terror
Confused: Info needed.
Cool beer names...
Coolest guy at the boat ramp?
Cop Beats and Tasers 17 year old
Cop Block seminar ends in violence...
Cops Beat Man After Stolen Horse Pursuit
Cops give more than just tickets
Corker on Meet the Press... Bill to end salvery around the world
Cornell dean says ISIS welcome on campus in undercover video
Corona (CA) Lobsterfest
Country Music Awards
county police take over Ferguson protest security after shooting
Couple caught on beach
covering up some ugly
Cowboy bullets vs hard cast lead bullets
Cps Shouldn't Bear Glock's
CR Speed Belt - 42" Black - For Sale
Crate amp
Credit Card Scam
Crimp Jumping
Crimson Trace Grips Cheap!
Crimson Trace LaserGrip Gen 4 26/27 $130 Meps $56
Crimson trace LG-852 (Glock 26/27)
Culture Shock: Papua New Guinea
Current handguns that will become collectible
cutest puppies... Need a smile today?
Dallas officers moving in droves to Fort Worth PD
Dallas Snowed In
Dalton Wayne Is Alive!
Damn Weather
Dan Wesson ejection rod
Dark clouds
David and Goliath
David Cameron Easter Message
dawson precision glock magwell
de Blasio
DE markXIX
DE Razor shaving
DEA agents had cartel-funded ‘sex parties’ in Colombia
Dearbornization of USA
Death f the great deli / diners
Decision reversed on "have a blessed day"
Deep Blue watches?
Delhi rapist says victim shouldnt have fought back
Denver PD admin. fails to support officers
Dept. Of Justice could sue City of Ferguson...
Derringer for ccw?
desantis holster for glock 42
Despite Hillary Clinton promise
detains cargo ship w/ 43 sailors
Detent screw fell out
DHS broke judge’s order
DHS released another 30
Did I tick off the universe?
Didnt Even See Each Other [Helo Crash]
Difference Between Self Defense and Target Sights ??
Differences in CANIK and TRISTAR Pistols??
Digitech processor
dimensions for barrel liner tool
Ding Dong The Bill Is Dead;In Vermont
Disciple Style
Discovery of Adam and Eve shows evolution is happening faster than expected
Do all Christians go to the same heaven?
Do I have the biggest ego in The Okie Corral?
Do marijuana prisoners deserve amnesty?
Do Not
DO NOT go looking for "Trouble". Find it
Do we have something that God doesnt have?
do we need a Lawyer?
Do you have an "I love me wall?" (post em up....)
Do You Own a Hat?
Do You Still Wear A Watch
Does a Combat Commander Gold Cup exist?
Does any one have any thoughts on Williams Fire Sights
Does anyone shoot .22 in their basement?
Doesnt it seem a little bit odd that Wm Shatner.....
Dog food recommendation
Dont post in this thread
Dont Say "Entitled" ....
Don’t Shoot
double action high power?
Drop in barrel for my Glock 20
DRT .380 acp Too Long?
drug possession
Drug Smuggling Granny set to be executed by firing squad
Dumb reloading mistake - need a solution
Dwell Time in 11.5" SBR
Eagle with a Camera Flies From Worlds Tallest Building
Ear plugs?
Early Generation One
Early Retirement...
Easter dinner is going to difficult for Jay Cutler !!
Easy App to Upload Pics from my Phone to PhotoBucket??
Email program recommendations
emails this month
Emperor Threatens ICE Officials ...
Employer access to employee Facebook/Twitter
Empty Ebola Clinics in Liberia Are Seen as Misstep in U.S. Relief Effort
Enclosed trailer?
Encore Package - Sadly must sell $1400 OBFO (TX)
End of a tradition- elephants no longer raising circus tents.
environmentalist shoots energy worker---will the lib MSM report it?
ESPN correspondent suspended for excoriating woman working at tow lot
even more ridiculous than usual
Ever level out an uneven lawn?
Ever wonder what its like to be the child of a serial killer?
Evolution Is Not A Real Thing
Examples of regional dialect differences?
Expanding earth VS hollow earth VS flat earth.
Expensive Grips!
F-18 Hornet
F/A-18 Carrier Ops in HD
F/S Custom Hard Wood Finger Groove K Frame Grips
F/S Glock 42 new in the box.
F/S New Custom made K or L frame Finger Groove Combat grips
F/S New Dark Hardwood Checkered N Frame Combat grips
F/S NOS Brauer Bros. Colt OP Holster w ammo loops
F/S NOS Lefty Shoemaker Colt DS Paddle Holster
F/S Vintage Bucheimer / Clark Basket Weave 'Detective Thumb Break Holster
F/S Vintage Lefty Bianchi Basket Weave suede lined N Frame Holster
F/S Vintage Tan Bianchi #5B 3 in J frame Holster
F/S Vintage Tan Bianchi X2100 Suede lined N Frame SH
Facebook accused of tracking all users even if they delete accounts...
Facebook collects the text you decided against posting
Failure to feed
Fair price for a Chevy rear axle?
Falsely accused
Fantastic Four Trailer
Fashion show and Firearms
Fast food worker loves the $15/hr min wage..until...
Favorite Aquariums
FBI: why not Glock 19?
FCC approves net neutrality--End of the Internet as we know it or not?
FCC net neutrality regulations include one really scary sentence
Federal Audits
Federal HST JHP 45auto 230 grain.
Federal Labor Law notices
Feds wont prosecute Lerner for comtempt.
Feed & Seed Spring Prepping Sale
Feel really old today
FEMA: One More Obama Scandal for the Media to Obscure
Female AZ Corrections Officer sexually assaulted.
Female middle school teacher forced to resign: Told kids "O"s Muslim baby..
Ferguson shooting suspect gave false confession after pistol-whipping
Field Guide to the American Sandwich
Field strip question
Fight Fans! Bellator 134 Tonight Great Main Event Matchup
Fill youre hands
Final Day: Steed
Final price drop on hard to get S&W M&P45C LE W/NS
Fire pin safety wear ...
Firearm collector
Firearms Training Classes end of 2015- Southern Exposure
First 38 Super
First 9mm Reloads - Observations
First Factory Shoot
First Glock
First New Glock Day in a while
First P-mag for my MAK90
First time caller.. I mean... never mind...
First Time Mirror
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes..
FL Police
FL: Pondering living there
Flat Dark Earth Glocks
Fleetwood Mac
Flight Attendant Announcement
Florida concealed carry on campus bill dies in committee
Florida in plot to join Islamic State group
Florida Keys?
Food: what's overrated/whats underrated?
For all you tech-savvy types
For Sale: Assorted small Glock parts
For Sale: Mint Original Oakley Half Jacket w/ Polarized XLJ lens
For The Car Folks Here;
for the day....
For the pilgrim who has everything
For those that still think the police are the problem...
Foreign made knives
Forget marijuana
Forgot what it was like to have real insurance
Formerly American Corporations Running Our Government
Frame shock buffer
Franks RedHot Wing Sauce
Free Samples to First 250 members who sign up for Numanna
Free speech isnt . . .
From x-rays to music...
Frustrated Machinist
FS - Bond Arms Derringer Snake Slayer in .45/.410 3"
FS bulk 22 Rem
FS n DFW G3 Glock 21
FS SigP250 Full Size Grip 45acp (F-M)
FS: 2 MecGar 17 round mags...
FS: CMMG SST match grade barrel and matched bolt
FS: Glock 21 Gen 3 Slide W/Factory Night Sites $275.00 Shipped !!
FS: Glock 42 (Like new) with extras (Wilmington NC)
FS: New Phlster Access G19 and IWB Magazine Carrier
FS: PJ Holsters for Glock 26 and CZ P07
FS: Serrated Glock Factory Triggers
FS/FT Glock 42 SE Iowa
FS/FT Palmetto State 18" 6.8 SPC II
FS/FT Shield 8/7 rnd 9mm mags
Full FDE Glock 26
Fun Gun!
Fun To Watch
Funny animal videos from the Internet...
Funny Story about travel
Fury rises at Disney over use of foreign workers
FYI-Safe Action Triggers
G 32
G 36 or Xd Mod 2 45
G 43
G-43 receiver
G10 grips
G10 grips for my LCR
G17 Gen 4 Trigger in G19 Gen 4
G19 Gen 3 Grip : Remove Finger Grooves ?
G19 Gen4
G19 lower with 23 upper?
G19 RTF2 new owner
G19 slide tightness
G19 vs G17 trigger
G19/23/32 Left hand
G2 Failures
G20 gen 4
g20 help please
G20 Mag issues
G20 mags
G21 Gen 4 reliability
G22 summertime carry issues
G23 - G19 and G27 - G26
G23 Front sight removal
G23 problems with Blazer?
G27 Gen 4 Lone Wolf Barrel 9mm
G29 or G30?
G30 gen 4 or G30S for carry gun
G30 Gen4 mag fit in G30S?
G31 .357 sig
G31 Gen3 Magazine
G34 Gen 3 or Gen 4?
G34 Gen 4 question
G35 with 9MM Lone Wolf barrel.
G36 and G30sf barrels interchangable?
G37 and Mech-Tech upper????? INFO NEEDED
G40 10mm in stores ?
G42 initial range test
G43 holster selection
G43 magazine issue..
G43 on sale?
G43 vs. G42 vs. G26/27
G43: cost staggering!
Galco ankle lite holster for Ruger LCP
Galco G26 Ankle Glove
Galco Paddle
Gander Mtn sale on buckshot
Garland and the Glock 21
Gas heating stove advice?
Gay Totalitarianism and the Coming Persecution of Christians
geissele ssa-e
Gen 1 G17 on Gunbroker: How Much??
Gen 2
gen 2 g19 frame question
GEN 3 G22 40-9 conversion problem
Gen 3 glock 19 upper nibx
Gen 3 Glock question
gen 4 22 problem
Gen 4 G17 With Factory OD Frame
Gen 4 Glocks w/OD Frame
Gen 4 Model 30 Slide Lock
Gen 4 recoil spring
Gen3 19 factory parts
gen4 glock 17 9mm 1 mag $450 ftf Houston Tx ftf only
General Motors Innovations
Generational Glocking
George Zimmerman shot
Ghost G42 Edge connector?
Giuliani: Im Getting Death Threats for My Obama Remarks
Glock 17 & 19 Kydex Holsters (Preferably Light Bearing)
Glock 17 10-Rd. Magazines
Glock 17 Front Sight Width?
Glock 17 RTF2
Glock 19 2nd Gen for sale
Glock 19 Cover Plate
Glock 19 gen 3 oem factory barrel for $105 shipped
Glock 19 Gen4 1000th round
Glock 19 Holster
glock 19 magwell cuts
Glock 19 question
Glock 19/23 Rosen/Galco gear
Glock 20
Glock 20 Aftermarket Barrel
Glock 20 barrel
Glock 20/21 holster deal
Glock 20SF ?
Glock 21 Conversion to 10mm. ? question ?
Glock 21 Gen 4 Recoil Spring Cutting Frame
Glock 21SF
Glock 22 .40 caliber for sale San Antonio
Glock 22 Grip Recommendations
Glock 22 Recoil booster/Nielsen Device
Glock 23
glock 23 gen 3 OEM threaded barell
Glock 24P
Glock 27
Glock 27 not fully going into battery
Glock 30 Gen 4 CCW
Glock 30 Gen 4 Mag Release Pushes Hard
glock 30 sf ?
Glock 30s accuracy ?
Glock 30s finish
Glock 31 .357 SIG
Glock 34 9mm 4th gen
Glock 34 Gen 4 FDE frame
Glock 42 - how to check production date?
Glock 42 2nd gen wanted
Glock 42 and Freedom Munitions .380 ammo?
Glock 42 extended magazines
Glock 42 First Range Session
Glock 42 FTF Ohio
glock 42 pin: how the hell do you get it out?
Glock 42 pocket
Glock 42 trigger not resetting
Glock 43
Glock 43 Draws Blood
Glock 43 excitement- not so much...
Glock 43 holster fitment
glock 43 Holsters
Glock 43 magguts
Glock 43 night sights - what fits?
Glock 43 or 42 RSA Number stamp
Glock 43 range report
Glock 43 vs Kahr PM9 (picture heavy)
Glock 43 vs Kahr PM9 size (picture heavy)
Glock 45 Auto's
Glock 50
Glock and water...Glock wins!
Glock Blew Up!
Glock C model barrel switch
Glock Cleaning Question
GLOCK DecalGrip models 20/21 BLACK Rubber
Glock Fever
Glock frame lifespan
Glock G22 or no?
Glock G42 price
Glock Gen 1-3 9mm Zev Tech. ZT-FUL-ULT-9-BR
Glock Glock Glock
Glock Goes Concealed Carry
Glock GTL-10 Light?
Glock Made me buy a G43.
Glock Maintenance/Rust removal
Glock night sights Most brands
Glock RSA Gen3- Best Place to buy
Glock should hold on G43 production...
Glock stealth melt custom any thought
Glock Stock Barrel vs. Lone Wolf vs. Storm Lake
Glock Trigger
Glock Trijicon Sights for sale
Glockmeister mod ?
Glockmeister Sight Tool For ALL GLOCK Models
glockn west central WI
Glocks next product announcement is on 3/20/15!
Glocks With Threaded Barrels
Glory be! I got me good' it turns out! FNP-357 range report.
GM to cut Chevy
GMC powertrain warranty to 60
God is Dead
Going to the range and taking a.....?
Gonna Dig Myself a Hole...
Good day people
Good deal on FNS 40
Good gun shops in Houston?
Good Hangover Food
Good Qual Drill
Good quality dress shirts
good shoot
Google Data Center
Got a bad call this morning!
Got a Survey from the RNC ...
Got my G43 today
Gotta love Wal-Mart
GP100 vs SP101
Grand Island NE - Cornhusker Classic match - RO Staff needed
Gray Injured Self?
Great front door lock solution...
Great sniper shot
Green Tip 5.56mm ban
Greetings from Illinois
Greetings from Indiana
Greetings from Simi Valley
Greetings from South Florida
Greetings from the Socialist Republic of California Comrade
Greetings from Wisconsin
GSSF/Blue Label G43's
Guilty verdict is in for Chris Kyle murderer
Guitarists that make you feel happy.?
Gum Creek Vehicle pistol mounts
Gun Carrying Workshop
Gun Control Group Sets up Fake Store
Gun grabbing sweeping the nation
Gun Show Calendar
Gunman cross-examines deputy he once tried to kill
Guns for sale in Ohio Nighthawk Sig Bushmaster Kimber opinions? Trying to buy discontinued gun saw one list
Gutierrez: In Chicago
GZimmerman in another shooting
Had a Jam with Underwood Ammo in My G20
Had DNA Tested Should I Help Another Find Their Parent?
Hand in my pocket
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Pi day
Happy Sabbath !!
Has become a plague?
‘Have a Vote on Whether What I’m Doing Is Legal
Have you???
Hawaii may start issuing concealed carry permits...
Heading to Albuquerque in the morning...
Hearing Aids
Heck of a good range bag....
Heizer .223 single shot derringer?
Helicopter Trouble
hello and thanks
Hello Charleston SC
Hello Everyone!
Hello folks
Hello from Alaska
Hello from Atlanta!
Hello From BC!
Hello from Boerne
Hello from Bristol
Hello from CA
Hello from California
Hello from central Georgia
Hello from Florida
Hello From GA
Hello from Indiana
Hello from Los Angeles
Hello from Louisiana
Hello from Michigan
Hello from Michigan!
Hello from Northern MN
Hello from ohio
Hello from Ohio. New to site and new to Glock
Hello from PNW Washington
Hello from SWFL
Hello from Syracuse
Hello from Texas
Hello from TX
Hello from Western PA
Hello Guys
Hello here
Hello new old guy here from Mo.
Hello Sig. Goodbye
Hello to all of you....from NC
Hello! New member coming over from Calguns!
Help me find this song!
Help me pick a watch
Help me Ronda....
Help with Glock SN
Hey all - Wichita
hey from south of L.A.
Hi all!
Hi every body
Hi from Plano Tx.
Hi there
High end luxury lease
High Horse
High visibility hat
Hillary calls for police transparency
Hillary Clinton agrees to testify on Benghazi
Hillary clinton’s brother granted super-rare mining permit from haiti after
Hitlers Reaction to Gen4 Glocks
HK MP5 SD 22lr
HK USP 45 Compact Yea or Nay?
ho about a Loudener!
Holster for G43
Holster forum
Holsters for Concealment
Holy crap! Im a Grandpa!
Homeland security
Honda Mower that wouldn't start
Hookers and Blow
Hornady 90104 American Gunner 380 ACP 90GR XTP JHP 25rd Box
Hornady Critical Duty 45acp 220gr FlexLock 1 Case in 10x50rd Boxes
Hornady Critical Duty 45acp 220gr FlexLock 45acp in 50rd Boxes
Hot Rod Magazine or .com
Hotrod Car Show in Town / with pictures
House of Saud and 8 of their friends go to war.
How big is your hand?
How cops can help citizens better understand police use of force
How did they get my e-mail address?
How Do I Get the Best Prices on Glocks??
How do you get rid of old paint
How do you pronounce 64 Impala?
How does tis scam work?
How is the 43 lighter than xds?
How long before.......
How long does powder last?
How many bullets?
How many click a thread just because.....
How many GT'ers are musicians and what do you play?
How many mags do you need?
How many of these do you suppose visit here??
How Many Pilots Here
How many steps do you take a day?
How many times does this happen
How many USA made Glocks out there?
How Men Value Independence in Wives — and Daughters
how not to take off pool cover
How Nuts is Jeb ?
How safe is it really?
How the Yemen conflict risks new chaos in the Middle East
How tight should M1911 tolerances be?
How to counteract pepper non-spray? Quick.
How to lessen recoil on Glock 17 and 23
How would you describe your politics?
How'd They Crash One A These Already ?
Howard Dean: Scott Walker Says Obama Born In Kenya
Howdy from a first time Glock owner
Hows Bout a "Things I cant buy today (or evar)" thread?
HUGE Holster Sale!
Human bones in preflood Dakota
HVAC People
I almost got my 43 yesterday
I AM TN.Frank. So What?
I cannot believe I'm asking this on GT but I have never been so angry
I Didnt Know
I didnt know Glock Talk had its own Rap albums
I feel like hell
i FINALLY bought my first G!!
I got pulled over...
I guess I agree with the NAACP...
I guess I moved up a couple of notches on the seniority list..
I have these Pinterest icons all over my screen.
I just ordered me a new 650
I kinda think Vart stole my...
I knew they'd never sentence him hard.
I Know Im Odd
I Know My Rights-I Pay Your Salary
I know you Know Dillon dont make
I Love You Folks
I need a new watch
I need help
I paid $98.50 for a glock 43
I really wanted to post this in GNG
I walked to much today
I will Not Obey That Order.
i will not obey that order..."
I wonder what his screen name is here.
I would like to apologize...
Ideas for Go Bag
Ideas for my step mom.
Ideas for the Glock Pistol
If We Treated Alcohol The Way We Treat Weed
If You Had $1250 to Spend on a NEW 5.56 Rifle....What Would You Buy?
Illegal immigrants sneaking into the United States with packages of drugs a
Illegals just here for jobs
Illegals to get SSA as soon as 2017!
Illinois State Supreme Court strikes down public pension reform law
Im afraid to rough up your stuff
Im feeling tacky
Im that new guy
Impact Guns vs. CDNN Sports
In the right place
in the snow
Inline Fabrication Products
installing G17 LWS Slide on G22RTF2 Frame
Insulin syringe as powder dipper?
Interesting arrest - Felony Desertion
interesting assertions in regard Gray matter
Iowa Mother Teaches Baby-Wearing
Iowa State Cyclones
IP Address and VPNs
iPad battery
iPad Or Android?
Iran deal worse than Israel feared
Iran fires at
Iraq still getting F-16's
Ironic New Set Of Stamps
Is 6+1 enough ammo for CCW with the 43.
Is G43 larger than Kahr CM9?
Is Glock 42 Slide not supposed to release with empty mag?
Is GT on TapaTalk??
Is gun ownership really down in America?
Is it foolish to want a 10mm?
Is Ronda Rousey selling out?
IS supporters post cartoon depicting Obama beheading
Is the .22lr drought finally over?
Is the A-10 in or out?
Is the Glock 43 right?
Is the Glockmeister 3.5lb trigger kit essentially a G34 trigger?
Is the Scar 17 a good first rifle?
is there a
Is There a Database that LEOs Can Access with ALL Our Purchases??
Is there a difference?
Is there an extended slide release for the shield?
ISIS Camp a Few Miles from Texas
Italy : no more FREEDOM in my country.
Items Least Likely to Work Correctly When You Need Them
its like an old friend but new
Its like UP
its not the $10
its that time of year again...
its the principle!!!
Iwo jima
J Frame ankle holster
Jeb is On a Roll ...
Jelly Beans...
Jerk pleads guilty
Jewish deli in Houston?
Joggers/Runners.....A question for you.
JRC IWB mag pouch G17
Judge delays Feds’ Immigration Emergency Stay Motion to next week
Judge tells "him" like it is.... I don't think she is in NY
Just bought a VP9
Just couldn't walk away
Just finished a new project!
Just fired my New Glock 43 Today
Just got a G42
Just joined the NRA.
Just joined!
Just watched the movie Rules of Engagement...
Justice for Rick's crew served on Father Gabriel.......
Kahr CT45
Kahr P380 in Redding
Kahr PM40 mag $25 shipped
Kahr PM9/PM40 Crimson Trace Laser Grip and DeSsantis pocket holster
Keep data safe for 200 years - how?
Keeping mags loaded
KelTec PMR30 😃
Kevin of KKM Precision - R.I.P.
Kid who receives heart transplant dies in car crash evading police….
kills would be robber
Kimber Pro Aegis question
KImber Stainess II (Biloxi
Kit gun for fly fishing
Knockin on hells door
Kydex or Leather
Lady killed yesterday.
Lake Powell
Land shark Leather IWB 1911 Govt holster
LaRue Tactical A-Peg Grip
Last bday
Last Chance 20% off ($30 Max discount) @ SPG - Brass 9mm 17cents per round
Last Fat Albert JATO Flight
Last weeks Saul comes on now
Latest G42 Mags
LC9s for sale or trade CT LOCAL ONLY
LCR got a buddy...
LE6920 for $800
Lead ingots
Leather vest getting a blue powdery color?
leaving due to TRUE BELIEVER
Lee Classic Turret Upgrade
Left Using Fake Statistics to Argue Against Welfare Drug Testing
Legends or promotive?
Leon The Professional movie
LEOSA thread to end all LEOSA threads. Post any cases denied
Les Baer Concept II...what say ye?
lets see your SBRs
LGS has a 21
Life is beautiful
Light strikes on new 26
Lighter Plunger Spring
Like new glock 17 barrel
Llama .380 111A
loads of fun
Local raw honey
Local road rage incident
locks on MP series......?
LODD Ocala
LOL!!! Re-enforced Stereo-Types
London Mayor Boris Johnson Hates the IRS
Lone Wolf did you try
Lonesome Dove
Long awaited G43 Single stack 9mm
Long Range Rifle Scopes... 1/8
long time shooter
Long winded and boring
Looking at holster options for my Mark II
Looking for Glock advice for my 29sf 3rd gen.
Looking for input
Looks like my landlord will be no longer with us ..
Lost my post do to redundent
lots of gun mfg swag
Louisiana Police Officer Indicted for Negligent Homicide
low prices
LW conversion 40-9
LWD Billett Locking Block #1447
M4 Carbine SBR ... Finally Completed
Magazines for my G17
MagGuts Plus 1 kits for Glock 42 .380 "02" mag style - NEW in box - 5 kits
Magpul mags
Magpul PRO Offset Sights Now Available!
Magwell for Gen 4 Compact (23)
Maintenance of a Shared Driveway
Make Em Laugh
Makes you wonder what we gave Iran.....
Making A Book The Old Way
making a Gen 4 39?
Mall of America urged to drop ‘ridiculous’ concealed-carry ban in wake of t
Man accidentally shot himself in Chick-fil-A while pulling up his pants
Man Beaten After Being Asked Michael Brown Question
Man fatally shot by U.S. Border Patrol was wanted for murder
Man In AACo. Police-Involved Shooting Pointed Air Rifle At Officers
Managing magazines (380)
manhunt underway.
Mary and Don
Mas suggested I post this here
Master Gunsmith
Maverick Arms
Mazda 3 2006 gas mileage drop
Mec-gar 22/45 mags?
Mech Tech CCU for a Glock 19 9mm
Media Bias? No None At All
Medical questions
Mensa Minds
Metal Injection Molded (MIM) parts
Michael Browns parents announce civil lawsuit in death
Michael Savage is a liar...
Micro-robot able to tow 2000 times it weight.
Microsoft support tech call threatens to kill someone
Milt Sparks VMII for G26/27/33
Minneapolis police records shed light on 2014 military training
Minnesota Gun Bills 2015
Minnesota Gun bills moving tomorrow
Minnesota: Six Arrested on Terror Charges
Misc. Glock holsters for sale
Mishaps happen.
Missing the Hollywood greats...
MO Lt Gov. "Theres more racism in the Justice Dept than in St. Louis area
Moms demand action rally draws only 150 to protest nra’s 70
More Baltimore police problems....
more from the racist democrats....
more power and accuracy
More Turkish clone firearms coming in - HK 94/91/93 clones
MOS Sight Height Issue?
Mossberg 930 Tactical at WalMart.
Most annoying commercial series - Rob Lowe
Most awesome thread ever! but wait theres more!
MotoPG here - just checking in
Mountain House #10 Cans N.E.OH/FTF
Move the sights or not?
Movie Continuity Errors
moving and shooting the G19
Moving beyond 9mm input/feedback
MP MOE question
MSNBC asks
MSNBC Ratings Crater: All Time Low
muscle sore for months
Muslim school 'BANS girls from running in case they lose their virginity'
Muslim woman tells the truth about islam
My 34 vs 17 experience
My 42 did not like HPR
My best friend lost his pup today.
My brother in law is a left leaning...
My childrens school hacked by pro-ISIS group
My church is suicidal
My daughter gets married in 5 hours. Advice from the crowd?
My first 10mm Glock. G29
My first 300AAC Blackout upper.
My G34 with Agency arms flat faced trigger!! Love it!!
My Glock AR9
My hammer stud broke on my 442
My new G43 and some holsters I have
My new Glock 43...
My new toy!
My next CCW?
My TV confession...
N82 tactical iwb holster for g29/g20
Nairobi Firearm Purchase
Naked & Afraid - take home message
Name me a good restaurant in NYC
Name the Van
Natchez shooters supply
Nature Great And Small
Naval Academy graduate plays in MLB
NC - WTS: Kimber Custom Classic (Clackamas stamped)
Need a G23 OWB for hiking
Need Help on GT with Previews
Need help please.....
Need help with Matchbook
Need info on value
Need M1A sling help :(
Need Opinion... Trade my Glock 43 for Gen 2 Glock 19...
Need some help
Need some positive thoughts
Need some postive thoughts and encouragement
Neighbor has Alzheimers
Nervousness During Questioning
Netanyahu says
Neuroimaging research shows excessive screen time damages
Neurologist appt is now tomorrow
Never fired a gun?
Never had a stye until this week
NEW - Odin Works SB-PT
New - S&W M&P CORE .40
New 458 Socom Brass In Stock
New Armalite?
New Bald Eagle front rifle rest from (Review)
New Book Threatens To Torpedo Hillary's Presidential Campaign
New firearms policy for local Sheriffs agency.
New from indiana
New G10 Multi-Color Handle Material In-Stock Now
New G22 FTF
New Gen4 G26
New Glock 43 First Impressions and Testing
New Glock fan
New Glock owner
New guy
New Guy from Bicol
New guy from Chicago
New guy from Lexington
New guy from the PNW
New Hampshire
new here from the grand canyon state.
New HK P30SK
New HK91 Trigger
New Job
new kid
New Kirinite Handle Material - Now Available
New Laptop
New member
New Member from GA
new member from NC
New Member in Missouri
New officer lvl2 vs lvl3a
new Ohio reciprocity agreements
New Old Guy from FL
New recruit from western Wa
New Sig 1911 9mm
New SIG P229 DAK....
New Suppresser Review: Apex Micro!
New to Firearms Site
New to forum from Seattle
new to forum. not new to glocks
New to Glocks?
New to GlockTalk
new to site
New trend.. pistol whipping robberies?
New truck.. 2015 Ram 1500!
New truck...
New Vaquero Report
New video card installed
New video game: Mayweather's Punch Out!!
New York State of mind
Newb to Glock Talk
Newbie from Cali
NEWBIE from Miami
Newbie from West Virginia
Newest addition to willie_pete casa
NIB - Sig P238 Equinox
NIB Beretta Brigadier Inox (Mississippi)
NIB Galco Combat Master Glock 26
Nickel vs Brass cases
no background check proposal
No Experience No Shoot at Range
No Glu
No Respite from High Ammo Prices ....
No Sale of 5.56 M855 or SS109 after 3/16
No title
Nobel Peace Prize chairman who honored Obama demoted six years later
Non-dipped extractor myth?
Norfolk PD Shooting AGAIN
Norquist book: IRS assault on Tea Party saved Obamas presidency
North American Arms
Nose - Face maneuver
not a tarp
Not another Trigger question....
Not exactly Dubai
Not fishing
Not Quite as Shameful...
now 2
Now a Glock owner
Now a third reason
Now in Oklahoma
NRA's Handgun Of The Year
Nurse with a Gat
Obama "Very Interested" In Raising Taxes Through Executive Action
Obama absent
Obama And First Family Looked Exceptionally Stylish On Easter Sunday
Obama bought the Magnum P.I. estate?
Obama Dares GOP: Go Ahead
Obama Gives Republicans Such Good Advice ....
Obama gun control push backfires as industry sees unprecedented surge
Obama only love cops when convenient
Obama Says We May Never Know What Happened in Ferguson
Obama shrugs off chief executive responsibility
Obama: Religious Acceptance Key to Combating Extremism
Obamacare Penalty
Obama’s comparison of civil rights and gay marriage struggles a ‘disgrace..
Obamas Jobs 4 ISIS Program: First Applications Started Coming In
Obama’s race to chaos
Obscure photos that move you.
OC and contact lenses
OD green?
Officer down in Littleton/Denver area
Officer Down Memorial
Officer Michael Slager Will Go Free
OH GSSF; Who's going
Ohio police search for mystery pooper
Ohio/Texas Reciprocity. . . State Issues. . . Links?
OK.. 2 home invaders dead
Old Colt Revolver
old dogs and new tricks
Old Timer
On behalf of Montana
On your 6 Designs
Once in a lifetime discounts on Lindon Farms 43% off
one leaves house through unopened window!
One of the most interesting new pistols I've seen in a while...
Online colleges. The good
Only a Piece Brings the Peace
Oof!!! Running on fumes
Open carriers. Do you get weird when someone asks about it?
opinion wanted on next glock purchase
opinions on CMMG lower
Opinions on Federal 9BP(not 9BPLE)
opinions on glock 19 modifications
Opinions on the Dillon "Square Deal" as a FIRST Machine...
or 34
or MILS?
or squatter? Q for MI officers
or thought
Oregon - ID only
Oreo cookies suck!
Oscar Winner J.K. Simmons Calling All Cops ...LAPD
OTB/IWB Combo Holster Recommendations
Out of state visiting Maryland
Out of Water ....
Outdoor wood furnace
Outsourcing in America
overpressure reloads for glock 21 gen 4. Are they safe
P-51 on board video
P320 in .45: any at your LGS?
paid off my credit cards...
Paid off my house
Pakistan: Christian Couple Burned Alive
Palmetto State Armory CHF Mid Length 5.56 $550
Panama City
Paperwork: Tax Returns
Parking your vehicle in case of EMP
Part 90 FCC license
Parts in common?
Passing emergency vehicles
Pastor who was "called" to donate kidney to stranger saves his own life
Paul Dead in 66??
Paying for shipped handgun in private sale?
Pearce mag bottoms for Glock 30
Pearce Plus Grip Extension
People sure are funny when someone dies...
Persec kydex for Glock 26
Person I helped get fired committed suicide...
Pew first: Gun rights top gun control in major public opinion shift
Photo flipped
Pic OH
Pick one person on your friends list that you have never met in real life
Picked up a Socom 16
Pics of slides refinished by Glock?
Pics reported to FB
Pillow Buddies
Pistol Cleaning Kit
Pit bull kills West Virginia man reviving owner following heart attack
Pizza delivery man shot twice by customer who tossed explosives at police
Plane crashed on interstate today
Please help!!!
please log-in
Pocket Carry and the 4 Safety Rules
Pocket carrying g43
Police Brutality?
Police departments hiring immigrants as officers
Police turn off dashcam during arrest
pooping and Lionel Richie...
Post your all time favorite internet pic or gif
Post your ultimate muscle car....
powder coat/curing ovens
Powder Cop or Lockout Die (which is better?)
Powder measures on progressive presses
Practicing trigger control
preparing for june rolling blackouts in mindanao
price check on spikes tactical
Prison and Incarceration
Problem extracting snap caps?
Problem with my Glocks
Prof: God of religious right is fictional a--hole
Protest in town - dude looses his poo
PSP Trooper on the mend.
PTR 91 experiences?
Pup hair cut...
Purchase Discount for New Members....How Does that Work?
Purchased another XDs...
Purple Brass
Putting pressure on Right side of frame...pistol wont fire...
Pyramid Trigger System in idpa ssp?
Pyramid Trigger System modification for idpa ssp
Question about Ghost connector and ammo nosediving
Question about holster cant
Question about Shooting a GSSF match....
Questions about suppressed SBRs
Quick Question on Bullet Drop Shooting UP and DOWN a Steep Hill....
Raahauge's Ladies Shotgun Clinic - Saturday May 23rd
Rabbi -
Racist food label at grocery store
Racy TV commercials on cable... seen any lately?
Rangemaster Firearms Instructor Course
Ranger 1401 checking in
Raspberries + unflavored yogurt
Raven Concealment Phantom Modular holster for Glock 30S
RCBS Loading Block
Reading glasses!
ready to draw.
Real First Impressions G4
Recommend a revolver for camping/deer hunt
Rednecks on spring break
Reforming 308 to 6.5
Remember when we bragged about the chicks we ****** or the hotrods...
Remembering our fallen brothers
Remington 51
Remington 870 Stock
Remington Golden Saber
Removing oil prints from the slide
Removing someone from your house? Call cops or not?
Rented a 43 today
Rep. Aaron Schock Resigns After Questions Raised About Finances
Replace 19
Report: Defense cuts degrading military
Rest In Peace Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane...
Results of Michelle's Last Grab of Your Money
Retaining strap OWB leather holster?
Retired LEO Carrying out of State
Riddle me this - can you rent medical equipment for 2-3 days?
RIP Yeoman Rand.
Robber With Taser- Shoot Him?
Robbery Prank
Rocking to the oldies...funny video.
Roku 2 or Apple TV
Roland was a warrior...
Rolex Submariner SS/Gold Blueface
RSA for Glock 20 fit in a Glock 21?
Rudy Giuliani makes big impression on Black middle school student
Ruger American .22
Ruger LCP mag
Ruger LCR Sights
Run a Tab
Russian 7.62x39 123grn FMJ Polymer Coated 1000rd Case
Russian researchers expose breakthrough U.S. spying program
S&W 629-6 for $700
S&W MP15
Safarailand RH SSIII Mid-Ride Level III for Glock G20 G21
Safety First !
Saiga 12 for sale or trade (IL)
Saiga 12 price!
Same silencer on .22 and 5.56?
San Jose LODD
San Leandro Police threatened by Oakland Gangs.
Sandals Resort Antigua Trip
Save 35% on NukAlert Radiation Detector - Lowest Price Gauranteed
Saw 2
Saw a sign in liquor isle at grocery store.
Say Bac. Do These Look a Little Better?
says Union.
SBR paperwork question - home address changes?
Scary black rifle made it home
Scratches on lugs of barrel
Second range session with P938 :)
Security guards kill armed man at Obama mart in St. Pete
Self Defense Insurance
Sell vs destroy. What depts do with their seized firearms.
Sellier & Bellot SPP - Good or Bad
Senate panel probes whether Obama administration funded effort to oust Neta
September 1
Seraphim Falls
Seriously? Porsche blames Paul Walkers driver...
Setting up crossbow scope help
Seven Questions About the Second Amendment Answered
Shadow of Tarpon Springs officers death still lingers on.
Shames First-Time Buyers
Sharp Force Trauma-Liontribe Designs
Shaving on the weekend.
she said
Shipping 9 pound package
Shipping Lasermax sight
Shooting in Garland
Shooting test for CCW
Shot my 1st Gen 4 today
Should i sell my G19 RTFII?
Should I sell my Glock 19?
Show off your wedding band
SHTF Ace-1 Gen 2 holsgter PPK
sick python
Sig 229 rail vs no rail?
Sig P220 Elite Stainless .45acp
SIG P226 VZ Kraken Grips
SIG P320 Caliber X-Change Kit
SIG Sauer P6
SightMark Night Vision
sign of the apocalypse.....
Sign the Petition to "Stop the BATE from banning XM855 Ammunition"
Signt help
Silencer hide shooters position?
Silencer? Nah
simply reaching for a LEOs gun can get you up to 5 yrs!
Single stack 9mm Glock vs. Ruger LC9s Pro
sizing die question..confused
Slide cover plate on Glock 43
Slide Speed?
Slow Motion Bullet Impacts
Slow Watch. The brand.
SLR/DSLR camera folks - some filter advice solicited...
Small war at Arizona Walmart!
Smoking a cigarette gets man arrested for gun
Smooth trigger
Sniper Championship comes to Fort Chaffee
Snoop Dog vs. Gun Industry
So... Can "undocumented workers" buy guns?
Social Sec in Worse Shape than Thought
Soda Pop
Solar Systems
Sometimes It Is The Small Gestures That Can Mean Volumes Of Truth
Son sold his audi.
Son wants an SP1 or Similar any Suggestions??
Song Lyrics
Sparks Criterion for Glock 19
Special PreSale event | UnCooked Freeze Dried Beef Patties | Only 20 Cases
Speer Gold Dot 45ACP 230gr 50rd Box
Speer Gold Dot ammo question.......
Speer Short Barrel .44 magnum?
Sponge Bob Square Pants 400
Springfield EMP 9mm
Springfield M1A with Scope mount and Harris
Springfield SOCOM Scout Stock
Springfield XDs
Springtime - time to get the bicycle out!!!
Spyderco 92mm Citadel Automatic for sale
SSA beneficiaries of Obama amnesty covered later this year
SSDI Could run out by 2016
Stacking Bricks Like Youve Never Seen
Statin drugs
Statue honoring fallen BP Agent Brian Terry unveiled.
Stay away from AA Tactical in Crestview FL
STDs up 700%.
Stealth Gear Onyx for Glock 26 or 19
StealthGear Onyx IWB for Springfield XD-S
steel glock mags
Stock Gen4 G34. Tell me about yours.
Stopping Power: Myths
Strange Reaction Using Cold Blue Solution...Can You Explain??
Stray Dawg
Streamlight Scorpion.
Streamlight TLR-6 for G42/G43
Strider SnG
Strike Back - anybody watch the show
Stun Gun question sort of?
Suggestions for good quality green tea?
Supreme Court Administrative Law Ruling has Far-Reaching Implications for G
Surprise! Secret Boehner - Pelosi Deal to Fund Excutive Amnesty
SUV. With style
TacticSkin Slide Covers
Take an "Exam" to search a forum
TALON Grips for Glock 43 Now Available
Talon grips glock 43
Tap and Drill Combo
Target load for 9mm (XD mod 2) and Rainer 115 gr HP
Target sights for most accuracy?
TAS J Sight
Taurus Tracker info
Tax Day Coupon Code
Tax question.
Tea Party Patriot James Webb Says He May Vote For Hillary Clinton
Team Never Quit Ammo at Cabelas
Ted Nugent Hates Raccoons!
teen who received controversial heart transplant dies in chase with police
Telephone Pole Installers Competition
Tell me about string trimmers
Tempe Az officer stabbed
Tennessee governor amends 'Guns in Parking Lots' law
Texas bill to legalize pot passes.
Texas cops
Texas Free Speech Shooting - The Gun Issue
Texas Portrait Contest: Something for appeasers to consider
Texting while driving
Thaannnxxxx .... Hillary
Thanks for the favor but no thanks
That satisfying holster "click" - Part II
The 13 words you can’t write about Hillary Clinton anymore
The 3-Gun Show Podcast
The 3D Printed Gun...
The Answer to Life...
the bad
The cancer came back
The case against Hillarys criminal
The Devil Made me Do It
the dilemma... HELP!
The Feds Are Coming To Help...
The First Crusade Began in 1095
The Glock 24C
the Glock of AR15?
The Golden Nugget: an ethics question...
The GOP are the most spineless group of urchins
The greatest rifle shot ever?
The killing of Osama bin Laden mostly a fabricated story?
the king of fruit
The king/queen of thread breadth
The latest in multi-function developments...
The longest serving TX Ranger
The most striking aspect of the Israeli spying leak
The mystery egger
The new 43 9mm
The New Reality - Social Media
The next ammo run has begun; now on 5.56...
The Obama Recovery Versus The Regan Recovery
The only reason Glock is so popular...
The Original Osprey
The Price Is Right Oops.
The question
The Question Libertarians Just Can’t Answer
The Speech On Race Obama Will Never Give
The T-Rex Burger
The theistic burden of proof
the ugly
The Wailers ?
The World’s most expensive individual landslide
The Zombie's Infallible Firearm Data Source
There are a couple of these I cant do anymore
There is still love for the Crown Vic.
theres a woman Blue Angel
These Any Good
Thibodaux Hampton Hotel
Thinking of a large or XL Big Green Egg
This is a bad week for cops and cameras
This is the scariest video I have ever seen
This Tuesday 6 pm this low life will meet his maker...
This will suit me just fine for a service pistol
Thousands of California Workers Lose Jobs to H-1B Visa Immigrants
Thread for all the women of GT...
Thumb Breaks/Snaps
Thumb rest removal
Time flys...
Time For A New CCW Pistole
Tired Of It
To My Friends Outside My Police Family: This is Why We Can’t Stop Talking
To those of you with stippled grips...
Tom Cotton Heated Over Gitmo: Only Problem There is Too Many Empty Beds
Tom Givens/Mike Seeklander podcast
Too many certificate authorities to trust
Took the 43 Home
Took the new 30 out...
Tool pouch and accessories for Hämmerli 208/211/212
TOPO Map APP and a GPS Tracking App for IPHONE...Recommend Some Please...
Totally New Opinion of the Glock 45ACP....
Tracking all of Hillary's Accents
Traffic stop turns into a shoot out (vid)
Tragedy averted!
Traveling for work ??
Trespass vandalism...WTH?
Tried a Thai restaurant and sushi bar
Trijicon hd rear with XS front sightquestion
Trijicon HD sights issue
Troy Offset Sight Set
Troy Rifle Question
True Left handed Glock
TruGlo TFX
Trump running for real?
Trying to Learn Burmese
TSA approved cases
Tuckable IWB Holster question.
Tucker Texas Heritage IWB / Safariland - SSIII Mid-Ride Lev
Turn In Your “Assault Rifle” for a Tax Break
Two Officers down in Mississippi
TX at Free Speech mohammed Art Contest
U.S. Exaggerates Islamic State Casualties
UC Berkeley students want to rename building to honor cop killer
UFC Mir vs Bigfoot free on FS1 tonight
unable to reach my maximum resolution
Underwood 10mm
Unertl Ordnance 1911 > Ok Bac
Unique Statues From Around The World
United Kingdom votes in most unpredictable election in decades
Universal Studios Orlando installs metal detectors at three ride entrances.
Univisions Rodner Figueroa fired for Michelle Obama comment
Up For Auction
Updated G42 range report
URI - last public university without armed officers go 357Sig! P226Dak
USB 2.0 on 3.0 USB ports?
Used 43
Using the air conditioner
USS Gabby Giffords
VA Secretary Lies about being special forces
Value of Glock 36 from 00-02
Vatican astronomer denounces Creationism as "paganism"
VE Day
Versa-carry ?
Very unique problem
Vet tries to stop flag desecration
Vibra Prime
VICE killing cancer
Vickers Mag
Vickers Parts
Vickers tactical Glock 17 range report.
Vickers Tango Down products?
Victory Day Parade 2015...........Comrade!
Video of kid finding machine gun parts in a river
Vintage 17 mag not caliber marked?
Visited a new liquor store yesterday
Visiting the PDRC
Visiting-Colorado Legal Marijuana-do you smoke it and how do you prepare
vltor upper
Vortex Sparc
Walking dead Prequel is official
Walther PP....What Kind of Deal or Trade Can I Get one For These Days??
Walther PPQ 9mm conversion barrel for .40
walther ppq navy
Want an original MkI Spitfire?
Want to buy a new glock today but
wanted gen 3 19 comp barrel slide
Warren Buffett criticizes Keystone XL delay "US thumbing nose at Canada
Warren tactical rear sight for glock
was I wrong to post?
Watch advice
Ways to Lessen FELT Recoil in My Benelli M1 Super 90??
We No Longer Cooperate With Immigration Authorities
We went to Cinderella... and I LOVED it.
Weird Dreams
Weirdest Night Evar.
Well its official - Im a four eyed freak!
Went down to Juarez for dinner last night !!
Went on a ride-along with my State Trooper buddies
Went to a Syrian funeral today
West Virginia pharmacist shoots
Westboro To Picket Nimoy Funeral
Western street rod nationals.
WH weighs emergency request to block judges immigration ruling
What A Shame........Abandoned Castle
What are you carrying your Shield in?
What can you sign to avoid a felony arrest involving guns??
What did i just get
What did you call your grandparents?
What do you guys think of our new holster?
What do you think will be the biggest movie of the year?
What do you use when ordering guns/stuff?
what ever happened to the guy that built the hot dog cart?
What gr bullet should i load?
what happened to the "Hitler complaining about the Glock 43 video?"
What happens if you dont pay the tax for not having medical insurance?
What is it about our psyche that attracts us to shows that depict evil?
What is the best value all-wood AK going today?
What is the value of Black Talon ammo?
What kind of trigger is this?
What Music Album/Tape/CD Do You Know Best?
What night sights fit thck 30S?
What Professionals
What to do in Tucson
what to feed the glock.
What's Causing the Problem?
Whatever happend to...
whatever happened to ...
Whats an affordable option for retrieving an inoperable vehicle hours away
Whats going on in Finland ?
When does/doesnt an off-brand cut it?
When troops kill vs 0bammy kills...
Where and how do I apply...
Where are all the 10mm Silvertips?
Where do I buy this in LED?
Where do you get your training/techniques and/or advice?
Where to buy Glock factory parts
Where to find episodes of Better call Saul
Where were the Westboro Baptist Church...
Which 45 to keep?
Which G30 do you suggest?
White Americans In Full Decline!
White Appreciation Day...
White House spokespeople
Who dabbles the market?
Who doesnt see a difference between regular and non-HD TV?
Who here has worked for the Governement
Who here trains for the fall Deer Hunt and how?
Who is still in love with their first car ?
Why a 9mm will not fit the 42 platform
Why am I shooting way low with G42 & G43?
Why did Clinton say she didnt want to use State Dept account
Why do banks make it so hard to buy a used car?
Why Do Religious People Have No Political Power?
Why hasn't this knucklehead been dealt with?!
Why I say the G43 is the best
Why is .30-.30 so hard to find?
why is Glock so susceptible to limp-wristing?
Why is the 357 Sig Languishing?
Why isnt Simple Green accpted when it come to cleaning?
Why not just go metric?
Why Not One Governor is Qualified to be President
why such fat grips?
Why the Police Officer Won’t Shake Your Hand
WI RO Sign up and Contact info
wildest case
will better to be safe than indited in Baltimore
Will Brian Williams Be Back ? ...
Will dit connector increase crispness of gen 4
Will the 43 accept 42 sights?
Will the clash over Keystone ever end?
Will Vickers G42 parts work in the G43?
Win north of DFW
Winchester Model 1200 Defender?
Winchester Model 1400?
windowed Pmags
With Malice Toward Nun
with pride from italy
Witnesses to Mike Brown Shooting Feared Contradicting Hands Up
Wolff guide rod and spring
Wolff springs for XD45 and XD45(M) 13-rd mags and recoil calibration pack
Woman arrested for running over BF...after catching him molesting girl
Woman digs up fathers grave....
Woman Shoots Intruder With Gun Her Son Gave Her
wouldn't you practice first?
Wow! Big change to drug searches during traffic stops!
Wow! Thank goodness for pocket video!
Wow..lightning strike
WPA Polyformance 9x18 Makaroav 94gr FMJ 1000rd Case
WSF and SNS 147gr coated/grooveless
wtb .40 ammo
WTB All FDE Glock 19 gen4?
WTB Anything Glock
WTB gen 2 plus 2 mag base plates
Wtb Glock conversion barrel
WTB Walther PP-22 Magazine
Wtb- compelte upper- g17
WTB- Glock 10mm 6 barrel
WTB: Avenger style holster for full size 1911
WTB: Beaver Tails for G19 Gen 4
WTB: Complete Glock 19 Gen 4 Slide
WTB: CompTac FBI Paddle for Glock small frame
WTB: GAP Floor Plates
WTB: Glock 17 Gen 1
WTB: Glock 19 Gen 4
WTB: Glock 38-45GAP Slide
WTB: Glock factory 27 slide or upper
Wtb/wtt glock 19 mags
WTF gun shops that refuse to price over the phone
WTS - 340 M&P w/Crimson Trace - Mint - Nevada
WTS - 5 Glock 30 magazines
WTS - Glock 21SF with Extras
WTS - Glock Factory Night Sight 20
WTS - Magpul MOE Rifle Length handguard + 2 rails
WTS - Nighthawk Custom T3 - Never Fired - Nevada
WTS - Pearce Grips for Glock 29
WTS a Glock 26 mag Culpeper Va
WTS Beretta 21A .22LR Magazine (Fl) pics
Wts brand new G19 gen 3 upper assembly
WTS Gen 4 Heavy Guide Rod Assembly
WTS glock 19 barrel.
Wts glock 22 rtf2 with gills
WTS Glock 34 M.O.S. w/ RMR
wts glock 36 45acp
WTS Glock 42
WTS Glock G37s
WTS Glock Parts-OEM
WTS inexpensive night vision monoculars
WTS Kahr MK9 - AZ will ship
WTS LNIB Gen3 Glock 30 (CONN) $400
WTS LNIB Milt Sparks Criterion 30S
WTS Lucid M7 red dot w/ Truglo 3/4" riser mount $150
WTS LWD 2 port extended barrel for G29
WTS NcStar 2 x 6 x 28 AR scope
WTS NIB 3rd Gen Glock 19 w/Night Sights/5mags. $525 shipped
WTS NIB 3rd Gen Glock 19 w/Night Sights/Holster/3mags. $525 shipped
WTS Occidental Gunleather 1911 5"
WTS Raven Phantom G19/23/32 with TLR-1
WTS S&W M&P Shield .40 S&W Magazine (Colorado)
WTS Surefire M300b weapon light
WTS Two comp-tac bodies
WTS Unfired Gen 4 Glock 26 / SE Michigan
WTS- Action Arms IMI Micro UZI 9mm pistol
WTS- UM double mag pouch- MI
WTS-Rem 700 Milspec 5R - LNIB - w/Free Nightforce Mount (NV)
WTS: (NV) Custom STI Gov't 1911
WTS: 5 Glock 22 mags
wts: ar15 5.56 sbr upper 10.5" (ct)
WTS: BCM 14.5 middy
WTS: Blade Tech Eclipse OWB RH Holster--Glock 17
WTS: BNIB LWRC Deal for you! LWRC ICM6-A2 5.56 16" Gas Pison w/ Accessory P
WTS: Brand new Ghost Edge 3.5lb connector
WTS: Comp-Tac Infidel Glock Holster
WTS: Comp-Tac Minotaur IWB Glock 19 $50 shipped
WTS: Crimson Trace LG:436
WTS: ESEE Izula / ESEE-4
WTS: Factory Glock Minus Connector and NY1 Trigger Spring
WTS: Gen 1 Glock 17 w/ Tupperware Box
wts: glock 21 gen 4 slide complete w/mags (ct)
wts: glock 22 gen 3 (ct)
WTS: Glock 42
WTS: Glock shoulder holster for G20 21 29 30
WTS: GlockTriggers Haley Skimmer Trigger System for G4/9mm Glocks
WTS: LEFT HAND - IWB - G-19/23(26/27 too?) $35
WTS: LWRC M6A2 Rifle (14.7" barrel
WTS: Maxpedition Beefy Organizer
WTS: NIB Smith & Wesson 686 Plus 4 inch SW PA $625 shipped
WTS: Remington 870 parts (So. Cal)
WTS: RH Kydex/Leather OWB Holster Glock 26/19/17
WTS: SCAR 16S - Black
WTS: Trex Arms HK VP9 Nomad IWB Holster Kydex
WTS: Vector Fullsize Uzi
WTS: VP9/P30 magazines
WTS: Winchester Ranger ammo (40
WTS/T ZT / Spyderco
WTS/TT Caspian glock 23 slide. Complete w internals.
WTS/WTT Hk P30 15 round 9mm Magazines(NIB)
WTS/WTT Kimber 1911 .22 LR conversion kit
WTS/WTT: 9x19 STI Elektra (AL)
WTS/WTT: Colt Detective Special
WTS/WTT:Glock 35 slide and barrel
Wtt 9mm ammo for gun
wtt a rem mod 572bdl deluxe
WTT Glock 29sf
WTT Glocks
WTT Raven Concealment Glock 9mm double mag pouch MD cut for Standard cut
wtt Ruger LCR 9mm in Florida.32060
WTT: Manix 2 black DLC blade
WTT: Pre-Ban G20 10mm mag for G19 or G23 Pre ban mag
WTT: RIA 1911A1 9mm
WTT/FS Remington 700 LTR 308 //KY//
WTT/WTS Glock 30s NS
WTT/WTS NIB TC Dimension 30-06 w/ Extras
WV Govenor Vetoes Conceal Carry
WWII 1911ish 1943 Star Model B Bulgarian Contract
WWII Planes Found In A West Texas Barn
Xanax and alternatives for panic attacks.
Yemen: Mission Accomplished!
Yolo CA Finals are posted
You gotta see this!
Your head might just explode...
Your opinion of Mike Tyson's career
Your personal phone ??
Your thoughts on private schools....
Youtube videos not on iphone
Zbigniew Brzezinski is a lunatic
Zero turn lawn mowers....
Zero-Roze screwed up experience
ZEV ultimate match trigger kit
Zombie Shooter
ZQI Factory Tour By Military Arms Channel
Blog Archive
New guy from Chicago
The Wailers ?
WTS: 5 Glock 22 mags
G21 Gen 4 reliability
MSNBC Ratings Crater: All Time Low
FS: 2 MecGar 17 round mags...
The Question Libertarians Just Can’t Answer
Joggers/Runners.....A question for you.
Need help with Matchbook
Greetings from South Florida
Why Do Religious People Have No Political Power?
Facebook accused of tracking all users even if the...
Glock 19 Gen4 1000th round
Anybody recognize this place?
Vatican astronomer denounces Creationism as "pagan...
WTS a Glock 26 mag Culpeper Va
At The Bus Stop
What Professionals
Smoking a cigarette gets man arrested for gun, dru...
WTS Lucid M7 red dot w/ Truglo 3/4" riser mount $150
Rabbi -
New guy from Lexington, SC
New guy from the PNW
WTS- Action Arms IMI Micro UZI 9mm pistol
Help me pick a watch
Vortex Sparc
Solar Systems
ZEV ultimate match trigger kit
double action high power?
Hello from Indiana
FS - Bond Arms Derringer Snake Slayer in .45/.410 3"
F/S New Custom made K or L frame Finger Groove Com...
G 32
Gotta love Wal-Mart, $10/box of 9mm brass ammo
SightMark Night Vision
New Member in Missouri
Cincinnati FF LODD
Why is .30-.30 so hard to find?
G19 lower with 23 upper?
Is Ronda Rousey selling out?
Make 'Em Laugh
Credit Card Scam
walther ppq navy
Good day people
Expanding earth VS hollow earth VS flat earth.
Obama’s race to chaos
Glock RSA Gen3- Best Place to buy
Ways to Lessen FELT Recoil in My Benelli M1 Super ...
WTS - Pearce Grips for Glock 29
F/S NOS Lefty Shoemaker Colt DS Paddle Holster
Free Samples to First 250 members who sign up for ...
sick python
Alternate perspective on Islam..
Iran deal worse than Israel feared, Netanyahu says
?Why do Glock pistols cost so much?
Hello from SWFL
Derringer for ccw?
Grand Island NE - Cornhusker Classic match - RO St...
PSP Trooper on the mend.
New Job
Bravo concealment
New member
Fleetwood Mac
Easy App to Upload Pics from my Phone to PhotoBuck...
Florida Keys?
Got a 'Survey' from the RNC ...
Boston PD officer shot - was in Watertown
Stray Dawg
Atheists Own The Internet!
Setting up crossbow scope help
FS/FT Glock 42 SE Iowa
Jelly Beans...
Best dies for a hand press
My daughter gets married in 5 hours. Advice from t...
How the Yemen conflict risks new chaos in the Midd...
Man Beaten After Being Asked Michael Brown Question
Bratton’s big ideas for the NYPD
hello and thanks
SIG Sauer P6, it's like an old friend but new
Hello from Alaska
10yo gas water heater questions........
Local road rage incident, it's not the $10, it's t...
And they call themselves Christians?
Looking for Glock advice for my 29sf 3rd gen.
Your head might just explode...
Dallas officers moving in droves to Fort Worth PD
Springtime - time to get the bicycle out!!!
The 13 words you can’t write about Hillary Clinton...
Helicopter Trouble
OC and contact lenses, experiences?
Rednecks on spring break
TacticSkin Slide Covers
Fire pin safety wear ...
Anyone try these snap caps?
RSA for Glock 20 fit in a Glock 21?
"Ride the Thunder" a movie about the Vietnam War
The most striking aspect of the Israeli spying leak
Computer experts: No sound on youtube?
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