Confused: Info needed.

mercredi 25 mars 2015

A friend and I have recently gotten into building. After assembling some lowers, uppers etc... we decided that building ARs with shorter barrels might be fun for tournament style shooting (new to that also). Researching for shorter barrel lengths, I came across a couple of articles that talked about short barrel rifles (SBR) and the need to send in an application etc etc if the overall length would be less than 'x' amount inches. This is where the confusion is.

From what I've seen, AR-pistols, with overall really short lengths are simply regular lowers with short barrels and braces rather than stocks. (before you start flaming me, remember, I am just generalizing here), so in my mind, putting a standard stock on the ar pistol would turn it into a SBR....

Can someone clear this stuff up for me? We are just looking at building a smaller sized "tactical" AR for match/tournament shooting. I've seen some short rifles, just don't know enough about them, or the potential laws that govern them. Hope I'm making sense.

Thanks in advance.

Confused: Info needed.

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