Barack Obama’s top aide says Israeli ‘occupation’ must end

lundi 23 mars 2015

Charles Krauthammer and Bill O'Reilley seem to like posturing Obama as a bumbling academic, tonight, Kruathammer(who is a stellar example of what killed conservatism)aired out his newest talking point, Obama fancies himself a tactical genius, and that Obama is rewriting the entire map of the middle east as an islamic caliphate via happenstance!

Such belief is inconceivably obtuse, Obama has trashed every relationship that the USA ever enjoyed within the middle east, none of it by happenstance, his treatment of Israel and its wonderful leader, Bibi Netanyahu has never wavered once in his six years of disgracing the United States, he has treated them just as any card carrying member of the KKK would have treated Obama had they been given the opportunity, like dog crap mashed into the soles of his shoes!

Krauthammer and his establishment liberals(they are all regardless of party affiliation, liberals), they need to get rid of their guy, they made him, he is clearly operating counter to the interests of the USA and her allies and not in any way or fashion trying to hide it, he and his handpicked administration, are simultaneously doing everything humanly possible to give atomic weapons to the worst people on earth, and destroy the Jewish nation and only successful democracy in the middle east! The only *******s who think that it is happenstance, are establishment D-bags like Bill O'Reilley and Charles Krauhammer!


White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough made clear in a speech to a left-leaning Israel advocacy group that President Barack Obama isn’t letting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu off the hook for his dismissal of a two-state solution.

That stance, as well as Netanyahu’s suggestion also made in the closing days before last week’s Israeli elections that he’d approved settlements in contested territory in Jerusalem for the strategic purpose of changing the borders are “so very troubling,” McDonough told J Street’s annual conference in Washington. He called the pro-Israel group, which opposes some of Netanyahu’s policies, “our partner.”

McDonough added that the White House isn’t impressed by Netanyahu’s efforts since last Tuesday to backtrack on what he meant when he said there wouldn’t be a Palestinian state established so long as he’s prime minister.

“We cannot simply pretend that these comments were never made,” McDonough said.

Barack Obama’s top aide says Israeli ‘occupation’ must end

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