B-Loon-Berg Outed By His Own Hired Gun In Vermont

mercredi 25 mars 2015

Gun Control Lobbyist Forgets He’s Flacking for a “Grass Roots” Operation By Johannes Paulsen on March 24, 2015

One of the problems with hiring lobbyists to lie for you in a public forum is that eventually, they might slip up and tell the truth instead. Something along those lines appears to have happened recently during a hearing a Vermont Senate committee was holding on a gun control bill. Lobbyist Tyler Wilkinson-Ray, hired by the ironically-named group Gun Sense Vermont, was giving testimony, when he cut loose with the civilian disarmament version of a Kinsley gaffe: it turns out that Gun Sense Vermont needs to get its marching orders — ‘national expertise’ was the euphemism Wilkinson-Ray mumbled — from HQ in New York.....

Looks like Gun Sense Vermont isn’t much of a “grass roots” organization after all, no matter what their website may say. Go figure.

I ain’t no scientist of politics here, but when you’re testifying in support of a gun control bill and you manage to piss off the Democrat from Bennington, that means that the sign saying “Welcome to Successville” is rapidly receding in your rear-view mirror.


Video clip


Appears as if B-Loon-Berg should hire more competent Flacks. However this worked out so well for gun rights advocates and exposed B-Loon-Berg when his paid stooge told the Truth. SJ 40

B-Loon-Berg Outed By His Own Hired Gun In Vermont

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