Yes, I AM TN.Frank. So What?

lundi 23 février 2015

Yep, I'm TN.Frank, so what's the big deal? I don't have the same e-mail and forgot my password to my original account so I simply started a new account. I don't see why some of ya'll have such issues with that. I mean if you don't want me to hang out here just say so and I'll not darken your door here at GlockTalk again but I didn't think I was doing anything wrong by starting a new account so I could hang out with some of ya'll and talk Glocks and Guns.

Anyway, just wanted to clear that up since some folks here had questions about who I was and "hey, is Frank61 TN.Frank?" so this should put your mind to rest on the subject.

Yes, I AM TN.Frank. So What?

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