How cops can help citizens better understand police use of force

mercredi 25 février 2015

Another thread to promote "understanding" of LE practices...


How cops can help citizens better understand police use of force


Policing — already a dangerous profession — is becoming even more so because of anti-police rhetoric and inaccurate reporting in use of force cases


Sep 3, 2014

Picture the following hypothetical scenario: A chief at a press conference states, “Ladies and gentlemen I have gathered you here today, because police use of force cases are routinely mishandled by journalists and community leaders. It is my belief that journalists and community leaders may do a better job in this area if they have at least a basic understanding of what a justified use of force looks like.”

There are three things the public needs to know about contacts with police.

1. Be courteous

2. Be cooperative

3. Be compliant

The subheadings in the article are...



  • Criminality, Not Color

  • Force Options

  • Use of Deadly Force

    • 1. An officer can shoot an unarmed man under certain conditions.

    • 2. An officer can, in certain conditions, shoot someone in the back.

    • 3. Officers are not — and never will be — trained to shoot to wound or shoot weapons out of subjects’ hands.

  • The Bottom Line

Cops are not asking for citizens to get into the arena with them — they would just like the audience to stop cheering for the other team.

The only way to get these three extremely simple ideas out to our communities is for you to take this information and share it, with both your fellow officers and with your community members.


How cops can help citizens better understand police use of force

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