Oscar Winner J.K. Simmons Calling All Cops ...LAPD

jeudi 26 février 2015


Oscar Winner J.K. Simmons Calling All Cops ...Mi Burrito Es Su Burrito


"Whiplash" star J.K. Simmons went off again -- but instead of throwing chairs ... he was tossing out free Mexican food to cops at his favorite lunch spot.

Fresh off his Oscar win -- for playing a violent hard-ass -- Simmons flipped the script while grabbing lunch Tuesday at Poquito Más in the Valley. We're told he was buying for 2 friends, and got his usual ... a scampi burrito -- but while ordering he saw a couple of LAPD officers in line and picked up their tab too.

Looking to spread even more love ... J.K. stepped up again when a 3rd cop walked into the restaurant.

We're told Simmons dropped about 50 bucks for all six meals -- which makes the moral of this story: Always be generous. Especially when you can get a great deal.

Read more: http://ift.tt/1Fzvhg1


Oscar Winner J.K. Simmons Calling All Cops ...LAPD

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