When does/doesn't an off-brand cut it?

jeudi 26 février 2015

I have no aversion to store brands and generics if the quality is there.

Usually the quality is comparable--heck, my favorite cereal is a Kroger-branded product. Sometimes the product itself isn't just similar but exactly the same. But sometimes, it really isn't.

Last week I decided to buy some graham crackers and cream cheese. I hadn't had that combination in forever. The store brand graham crackers were two thirds the price of Honey Maid. The store brand cream cheese was less than half the price of Philadelphia? Why pay more?!

That cream cheese might have just been wax for all I can tell, and those graham crackers should be sold as hardtack.

So when do you demand a name brand, and when do you take anything?

When does/doesn't an off-brand cut it?

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