Left Using Fake Statistics to Argue Against Welfare Drug Testing

samedi 28 février 2015

I just noticed this, after looking up some articles on the subject, based on another discussion.

The left keeps telling us that "Only 2% of Florida welfare recipients tested positive for drugs, compared to 8% of the population as a whole, so drug testing is a waste of money;" and "only 0.02% of Tennessee welfare recipients tested positive for drugs."

Anybody who has every worked in law enforcement, social services, etc., knows that statistic is impossible - something is obviously wrong.

Wait a minute...didn't Florida's testing get halted by court order? So only 2% of their small sample tested positive? Nope - much more obvious fraud. Take a look"

Those are solid numbers, how can they be lying? Well, what they left out was that Tennessee only tested 279 of the 16,000 and 37 of them tested positive, so the real rate is over 13% - more than 1 in 8 welfare recipients, but they imply, to deliberately mislead you, that only 37 of the whole 16,000 failed. Another article, where I got the "279" went so far as to state the raw numbers and then claim that only 0.02% of the welfare recipients failed a drug test...which is technically true, but statistically and obviously false.

In the past, Glock Talk's lefties have cited these same statistics.

So when faced with this argument, keep in mind the fraud the liberals are pulling here. Find the raw numbers of those tested and those failing and see what the real statistic is.

Anybody got a source for the real numbers in Florida?

Left Using Fake Statistics to Argue Against Welfare Drug Testing

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