LEOSA thread to end all LEOSA threads. Post any cases denied, wildest case

dimanche 22 février 2015

There are a lot of LEOSA threads, I'd like to explore the edge of the envelope to put people's mind at ease.

I'd be curious to see the weirdest cases that would seem least likely to be successful. Explore the outer edge of circumstances where they were found to fall under LEOSA where it looked like they were pushing their luck.

I ESPECIALLY want to see any case law where LEOSA status was DENIED. The goal is to keep people out of trouble after all, so a bright line of NO is maybe more useful than dozens of wild cases of YES.

We have had lots of great opinions posted before, and that's OK here, but hoping to focus more on case law here, I would respectfully submit that has more weight than even the most correct interpretation/opinion.

This could be a handy reference of cases to throw in someone's face should they question your LEOSA status. Nip it in the bud, maybe scare an overzealous prosecutor out of making the attempt, or at least steer him to the cases that will convince him it's a losing cause quickly. I don't think there have been so many cases that you couldn't remember them if summarized here.


LEOSA thread to end all LEOSA threads. Post any cases denied, wildest case

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