Anyone Seen "BIRDMAN?"......SPOILERS...

lundi 23 février 2015

Hey all,

I'm wondering how many have seen the movie Birdman. I watched it a few days ago and it's fairly entertaining, but I can't believe that this is the best movie of last year.

Anyway, the biggest question I have about it the ending.

Why would Riggan jump out the window and kill himself? He was just told that his play is going to be a HUGE SUCCESS. He is finally going to get back to what he has wanted for 20 years. The reviewer that said she was going to destroy his play actually wrote a glowing review of it. His best friend and play manager tells him "you did it!" His daughter is proud of him and comes in his hospital room and loves on him a bit, which we never saw in the movie. His life is going to be coming back, his career is back, he is going to have it all again, maybe more. So why does he jump out the window?

I can understand why the daughter looks up and smiles, her Dad is finally free.

How about your interpretation of what happened?

Thanks all


Anyone Seen "BIRDMAN?"......SPOILERS...

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