Liam Neeson's 'Taken 4' Parody Trailer Needs To Happen For Real - Liam Neeson’s particular set of skills involves a lot more origami than previously thought. On Wednesday, Jimmy Kimmel released a “Taken 4″ parody trailer complete with the actual Neeson. The trailer finds the actor on the hunt for Guillermo’s dog, which, of course, has...

jeudi 15 janvier 2015

Liam Neeson's 'Taken 4' Parody Trailer Needs To Happen For Real - Liam Neeson’s particular set of skills involves a lot more origami than previously thought. On Wednesday, Jimmy Kimmel released a “Taken 4″ parody trailer complete with the actual Neeson. The trailer finds the actor on the hunt for Guillermo’s dog, which, of course, has...

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