Back to the real world

lundi 13 avril 2015

Well, It looks like after 7 years being “crime free” our neighborhood has been rediscovered by bad guys.

We are in a far northern suburb of Philly, adjacent to the Delaware river. The area is known for revolutionary war commemoratives and congested weekends from the influx of folk from New York looking to escape for some peace and quiet.

There has been one break-in and two attempted break in’s spaced about one week apart over the last 3 weeks

The break in occurred first. Bad guys broke through a back patio sliding door between 9 & 10 PM while the family was out for dinner. They took jewelry and cash.

The second event occurred at about 12:45 AM when the lady homeowner was turning in for the evening. While turning off the lights in the kitchen she looked out the kitchen window (at the back of her home (and on the deck) there was a 6 foot man in a hoodie looking back in her window.

The last event occurred last week a when a homeowner was letting their little ankle biter out at about 3:30 AM. The barking dog apparently startled the three individuals in her back yard who were last seen running.

The subdivision has about 50 homes, but all three incidents occurred along a row of houses that have a 50 yard wooded strip behind them separating them from a multiple ball field area. The playground has a separate access to the main road.

The neighbors are completely freaked out. Naturally the women are the most concerned.

My casual conversations and observances imply there is likely to be a high percentage that become firearm owners; which in this area would be quite remarkable.

The local police have increased patrols and neighbors are busy installing security lighting and alarm systems for those that did not already have them.

The question that gets repeated is do people think these are “just kids” or “real criminals” that have targeted the neighborhood as easy pickings.

Back to the real world

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