A challenge for all professors in this forum

jeudi 30 avril 2015

First, let me say that I am NOT a shooting professor; I am a 76 year old Retired Engineer who has been shooting since I was 7 years old.
Lately I have been reading several forums and I am getting tired of seen professors and salesmen recommending students to buy semi-automatic pistols for self defense. Well, I strongly disagree with that recommendation. Semi-automatic pistols are very good, but for self defense I prefer a revolver. Some people talk about revolvers like they are obsolete… they are for old people!!!
Now for those professors that recommend ANY kind of semiautomatic pistol, here is the CHALLENGE:
Put a young strong guy, 21 feet from you, (most incidents of self defense occur this distance or less as you well know). That guy has knife and is going to try to kill you. You take your pistol out and try to shoot him…but you have a jam, or a squib load…he is running toward you! Now, what do you do?...He is going to cover the distance in 1.5 seconds and you already have used those to draw your pistol out. Oh! I know you are drawing the pistol and moving at the same time…but the guy is moving too! Can you clear the jam and shoot the guy?
If anyone of you believes he can, prove it to yourself and I definitely want to meet you. If not, start recommending a revolver for self defense. A revolver if it is well taken care for and you use good cartridges is not going to jam and even a squib load can be taken care of, by just pressing again the trigger, this is faster than a pistol.
Please and don't tell me that modern pistols don't jam, my answer would be... just to smile!!!
A challenge for all professors in this forum

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