Why the Police Officer Won’t Shake Your Hand

jeudi 30 avril 2015

This is more for the lurkers, non-LE types...

Why the Police Officer Won’t Shake Your Hand

There’s a lot going on in the law enforcement community with the current events in Baltimore. It’s terrible -for both sides. Loss of life is always a heartbreaking thing. But so is rioting and violence. This post is not about that. In light of these events, it’s nice to see so many people are in support of officers, but they are often very misunderstood. My husband is an officer, and he often has to do things that people don’t understand. For example, my husband was telling me a story the other night about letting a guy out of a tough situation. The guy reached to shake his hand. He had to decline. “Sorry man, I don’t shake hands.”

This may seem like a rude move, but apparently, it’s pretty common for police officers not to shake hands. They aren’t being rude, they’re staying safe. In light of the current events happening all over the country, I would like to share with you some things that are always on the minds of the law enforcement officers that we may never think about. When you think they are being rude or on a power trip, they are just being safe. Here are some reasons why a police officer may not shake your hand.

The main issue is a safety issue. Even when it’s you or me. He has to assume safety first in all situations.

His shaking hand is his gun hand. If you shake that hand, you are tying up that hand. If you’re a “bad” guy, you could suddenly over take him. He (sadly) has to think like that. All the time he has to imagine what you, yes even you, the soccer mom or the man in the suit on his way to work, might do to him in the worst case scenario...

More in the article...
Why the Police Officer Won’t Shake Your Hand

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