Differences in CANIK and TRISTAR Pistols??

dimanche 12 avril 2015

Hey all,

I was in Academy not long ago and checked out what I thought was a CZ75 Compact. When I looked closer I found it was a brand named TRISTAR and I think it was the C-100 model. It felt great and was priced in the mid $300 range. I think these are made in Turkey.

I am looking online for info on these pistols and I see lots of comments about the brand CANIK. I've never heard of that one either. I've never seen or handled one either.

Just now I was checking prices on new TRISTAR full size CZ75 clones and I see that CANIK also has the same line of handguns. I think they are even listed as the same model numbers. They too have the CZ75 clones as well as the Jericho clones...just as TRISTAR does.

What is the deal with these 2 brands? Are there any differences in them? If I was to get the S-120 CZ75 Clone from TriStar would there be any differences at all in the S-120 from CANIK?

Does anyone know what's going on here and can explain it to me? Is one brand better than the other? I'd like to get one of the CZ75 pistols and the clones are priced much less than the actual CZ and from what I've read and seen the clones from TriStar are very good and nice quality.


Thanks all.


Differences in CANIK and TRISTAR Pistols??

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