At last! A diagnosis

lundi 13 avril 2015

Daughter person has been terribly ill on/off and missed 2 weeks of school last quarter. She kept getting to a point where extreme fatigue and vertigo would make it impossible for her to even read or watch a movie in bed. We've been running back and forth for over a month now, getting everything from shrugs, pats on the head with orders to drink lots of chicken soup, and a referral to a shrink and get an EKG if we were really worried.

I asked every doctor we've been to recently to check for mono or Lyme or even do a flipping flu test.

This past Tuesday, it struck again, and she basically stayed in bed since then. A couple of days ago she spiked a fever. This afternoon she asked me to walk in and out of the shower with her just in case. Her temp before the shower was 102.2.

Keep in mind that by now SHE is convinced it's in her head and no one will ever find anything. We kept reminding her how long it took for my and VR's autoimmune stuff to be diagnosed, but they had her convinced it was mental.

Finally after realizing how weak she must be to ask for my help ( all week the only reply to what can I do to help has been LEAVE ME THE FARK ALONE). ( only she didn't say FARK) she figured out her mind probably wasn't controlling her body temp and she felt awful enough to allow us to take her to ER. At that point she literally had to sit and go down the steps like a toddler. We had to support her in and out so she wouldn't go ass over teakettle

Anywho we get to the ER, they get her back and seen almost immediately, and then we met Dr. Hiyama Jackass MD. Omg, he was rude, dismissive, paternalistic, didn't want to hear family history, used horrible hand hygiene, and was all ready to send us out with notes re: viruses, etc. oh, even before that, they put the iv in, and gave her absolutely nothing else until I pointed out she might puke on his shoes. After that, the nausea got better, but she was still very dizzy and now groggy making it worse.

Nurse came w/discharge papers and I said I wasn't comfortable taking her home sicker than when she came in. She told the doc I wanted to speak to him, and he came in, complete 180, very ingratiating, make eye contact, talking about how to help keep her hydrated, oh and by the way,(truly felt like an afterthought) ha ha! a late lab returned with markers for MONO.

Look, I get it, the ER sees SO MANY WORSE THINGS, but it's important to remember that each kid is just as important to their own parents. My child was unable to physically walk to the triage, and she has never been to ER, ever. We truly did not feel that this could wait til tomorrow and I'm so glad for her that now she has a name for it, but holy shootsnacks, I wanted to tear that guy a new one. But I didn't wanna be "that mom" and affect her care negatively.

If he was one of my students I'd be grading him with a recommendation for remediation. Oy!! :miff:

Ps- I'm still stuck with a very sick grumpy child but at least we know there is an end at some point in sight. (I had it for an entire summer from literally last day of jr year to first day of senior year. )

At last! A diagnosis

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