Advice on setting up a will for Mom, do we need a Lawyer?

samedi 11 avril 2015

After Dad fell and died a short time later Mom has seen that she really needs a will to make my life easier when she passes. I'm the only child with 3 adopted brothers, she don't have that much to deal with but maybe 125k worth of property that will be split 4 ways even and I will be the executor.

She has a new Toyota that is in my and her name that will be mine as we are helping her pay for it. Does that need to be included in a will?

The fun part is Brother #2 won't work, does drugs and has two kids he don't raise with one kid my Mom pays his court ordered child support of $200 per month so he don't go to jail for not paying. The kid has a disability and will get support till 21, she's only 6. Mom wants his 25% to go into a fund that will continue paying this bill till either my Brother dies, the kid dies or kid reaches 21. She does not want Bro#2 to receive any money to buy drugs with hence the trust to pay his support payment. This is where I think we need a lawyer or can we do this with some sort of computer program.

Advice on setting up a will for Mom, do we need a Lawyer?

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